New WWF camera trap captures snow leopard in Nepal

Posted on 22 November 2011

Camera traps installed by WWF in the Nepalese Himalayas last month have captured their first picture of an endangered snow leopard. The cameras are part of a community monitoring project that will help WWF estimate number of snow leopards in area and determine the best way to conserve them.

“The camera traps are a means to empower local communities to lead conservation efforts of snow leopards,” stated Anil Manandhar, Country Representative of WWF-Nepal.

“With habitat loss, poaching and retaliatory killing by herders posing as major threats to snow leopards, community stewardship in conservation is key to the protection of snow leopards,” he added.

There are only about 6,000 snow leopards remaining in the wild. The animals stand to lose over a third of their habitat to climate change in the coming decades.

Last week, the Eastern Himalayan nations of Bhutan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh met to address the impacts of climate change on food, water and energy security, as well as on biodiversity (more here on the Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas). The countries agreed to collaborate on adaptation efforts to protect water sources, ensure sustainable food production, increase access to clean energy, and coordinate disaster management.

“The framework of cooperation will see the creation of an interconnected mosaic of conservation spaces across the Eastern Himalayas, crucial for communities that rely on the region’s natural resources for their survival and the protection of endangered species such as the snow leopard,” said Liisa Rohweder, CEO of WWF-Finland.

This graph shows the estimated snow leopard population by country. The elusive nature of the species makes it difficult to obtain an accurate population count.

Regional cooperation on climate change key to future of Eastern Himalayas

Posted on 17 November 2011 |

Thimphu, Bhutan – Regional adaptation to extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change on endangered alpine species like snow leopards featured prominently at a WWF-led session in the lead up to the Climate Summit for Living Himalayas today, a high-level event that aims to work out a ten year regional framework on climate change adaptation for the Eastern Himalayan nations of Nepal, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

“Climate change is placing extraordinary pressure on the Eastern Himalayas – its people, iconic landscapes and species are all being hit hard by changing weather patterns,” said Minister Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan. “The Eastern Himalayas is now in urgent need of a regional framework of cooperation that combines expertise from governments, NGOs and civil society. Himalayan nations must act now to avoid the worst impacts of climate change,” he continued.

Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas

The pre-summit stakeholder meet is part of a series of events leading up to the Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas – Bhutan 2011, which is being hosted by the Royal Government of Bhutan in the nation’s capital on 19 November 2011.

Broadly speaking, Nepal, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh are holding this high level meeting to work out an agreement on four main themes: securing biodiversity and ensuring its sustainable use; ensuring food security and securing livelihoods; securing the natural freshwater systems of the Himalayas; and ensuring energy security and enhancing alternative technologies.

The event hosted by WWF today was a moderated discussion on two specific issues – the rising threats of climate change and adaptation strategies in Eastern Himalayas, as well as snow leopard conservation in the face of changing climate vulnerabilities.

“Snow Leopards are valuable indicator of environmental health – their declining numbers is a sign that the places they live are also threatened. With only up to 7500 individuals left in the wild it is up to India, Nepal, and Bhutan to take the lead and create a regional conservation framework that helps protect the future of this iconic species and the Eastern Himalayas,” said Tariq Aziz, Leader of WWF’s Living Himalayas Initiative.

Moving towards sustainable solutions for the future

The discussion was well attended by over a hundred senior representatives from development partners, civil society and the four governments. The presence of youth at the event underscored the importance of involving younger generations in discussions towards sustainable solutions for the future.

“This gathering of policy-makers and development partners from India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh is significant as it provides a crucial platform for agreeing on much needed approaches, investment and policies to help the Himalayan region adapt to extreme weather events,” said Ravi Singh, Secretary General & CEO, WWF-India.

WWF has been working in the Eastern Himalayas for close to 50 years to ensure that the region’s incredible diversity of life is preserved for generations to come. Through our Living Himalayas Initiative WWF works closely with the governments and people of Bhutan, India and Nepal to restore and protect ecological processes, reduce the human footprint and support local economies.

Gazprom Over Nature

08 November 2011
ByVladimir Ryzhkov

Russia’s first chief of the secret police, Alexander Benkendorf, served two centuries ago under Tsar Nicholas I, and it is his portrait that should be hanging in every office at the Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry. Benkendorf gave a classic definition of the Russian authorities’ relationship to the law when he said: “Laws are written for subordinates, not for rulers.”

That is precisely the principle at the heart of the current Russian government. It justifies everything — from state officials using flashing blue lights to speed through Moscow traffic to governors and mayors continuing the rich tradition of lining their pockets and those of their close associates at the public’s expense.

State officials often abuse their influence and power to avoid answering to the law after committing illegal acts. A vivid example of this principle is the gas pipeline to China thatGazpromis eager to build over the Altai Mountains and directly through the Ukok Plateau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Because the Ukok Plateau has been part of the Golden Mountains of Altai UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, the law requires special permission before any heavy construction can be performed. What’s more, environmental impact studies must be made in advance. But, according to a Natural Resources and Environment Ministry letter issued in July, this has not been done. Nevertheless, preliminary work has already begun along the path of the intended pipeline through Altai and in the region that includes the Ukok Sanctuary.

According to many eyewitnesses who visited the region between July and September, the work to construct the pipeline through the protected plateau is proceeding at full steam. Heavy drilling rigs are operating, and surveyors have marked out the path of the pipeline all the way to the Russian-Chinese border. I personally saw the equipment and the surveyors’ markings when I visited the region in October. What’s more, Gazprom contractors have admitted to local environmentalists that they have not obtained permission for the work.

Worse, in September a fire destroyed about 4,000 hectares of alpine steppe in the Ukok Plateau. This area is the habitat for many rare species of birds and animals, including the endangered argali sheep and snow leopard. Local guides suspect that Gazprom contractors might have intentionally caused the blaze in the hope of removing the area’s protected status under a new amendment that would change the borders of nature reserves if those territories “lose their value.” Of course, it is also possible that the fire was caused by the carelessness and negligence of Gazprom workers.

Once remote and inaccessible, Ukok has become a popular tourist destination for travelers all over the world thanks to dozens of articles in top travel and nature magazines, television documentaries and the recent archeological discovery of the 2,500-year-old Ice Maiden found intact in the permafrost. If the gas pipeline is built, the nature of the Ukok Plateau and its ecosystem will be destroyed.

UNESCO already lists the Ukok Plateau as a World Heritage Site that might be under threat. Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund are closely monitoring the situation and regularly send inquiries to Russian authorities responsible for protecting the environment. UNESCO plans to send its own mission to Ukok in May to check on compliance with its requirements.

Why doesn’t Gazprom consider alternate routes that would bypass the nature reserve and pass instead through Mongolia or Kazakhstan?

The Chinese are also wondering why the Russians are in such a rush. Chinese authorities have not signed any purchase agreements with Gazprom mainly because they are not willing to pay the high Gazprom gas prices. What’s more, China has its own source of gas in Xinjian as well as a newly opened pipeline bringing gas from Turkmenistan. Beijing officials claim that Prime MinisterVladimir Putinpersonally insists on the pipeline through Altai at almost every meeting with Chinese leaders. Could it be that Putin and his colleagues who have top positions in the gas sector have the most to gain from the project?

The Gazprom pipeline through the Ukok Plateau could become the largest, most expensive and most environmentally damaging white elephant in history. Members of the ruling elite have already built palaces and luxurious villas in nature reserves on the Black Sea coast and in Adygeya.

The country’s ruling business and political elite have completely corrupt values. For example, at a public hearing in Gorno-Altai, a Gazprom representative gave himself away when he referred to the holiest spot of Russian Orthodoxy, saying, “We will lay a pipeline right through the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius [in Sergiyev Posad] if we have to!”

Read more:
The Moscow Times

Nepal’s snow leopards to be counted

November 3 2011 at 06:00pm


Kathmandu – Nepal has launched the first census of its snow leopards, local media reported, in a bid to raise awareness of the endangered species.

Closed circuit television cameras have been installed around the northern district of Mustang, at an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 metres, and are planned to count the district’s leopards within two months.

“The census aims to find the exact population of snow leopards and conserve them,” Som Ale, one of the conservationists involved in the project, was quoted as saying by the Kathmandu Post.

“We believe it will help bring awareness about conservation of leopards among people.”

The project is being carried out jointly by the National Trust for Nature Conservation, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project and other partners.

Nepal’s snow leopards live in the Mugu, Mustang, Dolpa and Humla districts in the northern belt, at an altitude of around 5,000 metres.

Conservationists say their number is rapidly declining and put the current figure at 300 to 500.

“Major threats for snow leopards come from the human and wildlife conflict,” World Wide Fund for Nature official Kamal Thapa told dpa.

“Villagers kill the animals for attacking their livestock.”

The conservationist group is running insurance programmes to discourage people from attacking the endangered species to defend their cattle. – Sapa-dpa

Nepal children to track snow leopard

(AFP) – 1 day ago (8Nov11)

KATHMANDU — Conservationists in Nepal have enlisted an army of school children to record the movements of the mysterious snow leopard, one of the most elusive predators in the world, a scientist said Tuesday.

Experts believe just 500 adults survive in the Himalayan nation, and few can claim ever to have seen the secretive, solitary “mountain ghost”, which lives 5,000 to 6,000 metres (16,500 to 20,000 ft) above sea level.

“Snow leopards are inherently rare, and also elusive in the sense that they are active during dusk and dawn, so few people, including biologists, have seen a snow leopard to date,” said Som Ale of the US-based Snow Leopard Conservancy.

The group has enlisted children from schools in the leopard’s habitat in Mustang, in Nepal’s mountainous northern frontier, who will work in pairs to instal and monitor digital cameras to count the endangered species.

The census, due to be carried out over two months in winter, will give scientists a more accurate idea of numbers in Nepal than more primitive techniques, including recording tracks and collecting droppings.

Although the Snow Leopard Conservancy used camera traps on a study in India six years ago, the group says this is the first survey of a large predator anywhere in the world by local communities who are not paid conservation experts.

“In parts of Africa, lions may be monitored by local people but they are well paid professional guides,” Ale told AFP.

The pupils will be trained to set up digital cameras that take infra-red images and operate in sub-zero temperatures to areas where snow leopards would be expected to visit.

Computer programmers will then use each animal’s unique pelt to create to estimate the number of snow leopards.

The snow leopard is protected in Nepal by an act of parliament dating back to the 1970s which provides for penalties of up to 100,000 rupees ($1,300) and up to 15 years in jail for poachers.

Nepal children enlisted to track elusive snow leopard

Published on Nov 9, 2011

Conservationists in Nepal have enlisted an army of school children to record the movements of the mysterious snow leopard, one of the most elusive predators in the world, a scientist said Nov 8, 2011. — PHOTO: AFPKATHMANDU (AFP) – Conservationists in Nepal have enlisted an army of school children to record the movements of the mysterious snow leopard, one of the most elusive predators in the world, a scientist said on Tuesday.

Experts believe just 500 adults survive in the Himalayan nation, and few can claim ever to have seen the secretive, solitary ‘mountain ghost’, which lives 5,000 to 6,000 metres above sea level.

‘Snow leopards are inherently rare, and also elusive in the sense that they are active during dusk and dawn, so few people, including biologists, have seen a snow leopard to date,’ said Dr Som Ale of the United States-based Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC).

The group has enlisted children from schools in the leopard’s habitat in Mustang, in Nepal’s mountainous northern frontier, who will work in pairs to install and monitor digital cameras to count the endangered species.

Unique Dog-Search Engine for the First Time Took Part in An Expedition to Search for Traces of the Snow Leopard

WWF summarizes research on the potential snow leopard habitat in the northeastern part of South-Chu Ridge and Southern Ridge Chikhacheva (Altai Republic), performed by members of the Altai Nature Reserve with the support of WWF in the monitoring program

In Russian:

20 October 2011

Survival of snow leopards – Mongolia

Survival of snow leopards endangered: expert 2011-10-17 23:50:51

ULAN BATOR, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) — Poaching, mining and invasion of herders are threatening the survival of the snow leopard, one of the world’s most endangered animals, an official of the World Wildlife Fund in Mongolia warned Monday.

“Big threats for the snow leopard are poaching and conflicts with local people because of attacks on livestock of herders by snow leopards in the last few years as herders moved to mountain areas in the winter season and occupied the habitat of snow leopards,” said Onon Yo.

Illegal trade of skins and skulls of snow leopards and a new trend of mining operations in the snow leopard’s habitat also pose big threats to the big cats.

Onon issued the warning on the sidelines of an international conference on snow leopard conservation here.

Snow leopards are restricted to the high mountains of Central Asia with a population of fewer than 2,500.

Many measures have been taken to protect this extremely endangered animal. About 27.5 percent of snow leopards’ potential habitats are put in protection areas and many monitoring programs had been launched in certain habitats, said Onon.

The researchers use many different methodologies, for example, GPS collars for determining the movement and migration of snow leopards, Onon said.

Ecologists see increasing snow leopard population in Tuva

Ecologists see increasing snow leopard population in Tuva

Mar 22 (dateline below listed differently)

Moscow, 17 March – RIA Novosti WWF’s Altai-Sayan Program announced that the snow leopard population along the southern part of the Shapshal’sky Ridge and on the Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge in Tuva Republic is in good condition and that the female snow leopards are reproducing.

Snow leopards are one of the least studied large cat species in the world. This is related in part due to the inaccessibility of their habitat as well as the species’ rarity.

Aleksandr Kuksin, Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina staff, is quoted as saying, “The snow leopards here are successfully reproducing, and we are constantly seeing signs of females with offspring along the Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge. This means that the predator’s population is being complemented with young individuals, and that overall the group of snow leopards in the southern part of Shapshal’sky Ridge and on Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge in Tuva can be called favorable. It can be assumed that the snow leopard population even slightly increased between 2004 and 2011.”

Signs of snow leopard activity were discovered in all river valley studied, including the Khemchika and Shuya headwaters and the Toolaylyg and Barlyk Rivers watersheds. Researchers identified 19 signs of snow leopards belonging to 17 different snow leopards, and there was a single encounter with the rare predatory. In 2004 in that same region, 13 snow leopard spoors were found, belonging to 8-10 individuals. Staff from Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina Zapovednik staff and Tuva’s state Hunting and Fishing Committee staff conducted field research to assess snow leopard and Siberian mountain goat populations concluded on March 6

In addition to finding the spoor of this rare predatory, expedition participants found numerous sites showing ongoing marking activities by snow leopard, which like any cat, they use to indicate individual territories.

Approximately 40 scat samples were gathered and will be sent to the Severtsov Institute for Ecology and Evolution Problems (RAS) for DNA analysis, which will permit determination of the population’s size, their gender, and age.

Evidence of snow leopard on Shapshal’sky Ridge and Tsagan-Shibetu

Moreover, snow leopard excrement is needed to train scent dogs, an activity now being conducted with WWF-Russia support in Barnaul. In the future Erik the German shepherd, now being trained to locate and identify snow leopard spoor by scent, will support Tuvan and Altai conservationists in fieldwork.

“Today, Erik is training using excrement from zoos, but using material collected in the snow leopard’s natural habitat will significantly increase the dog’s competence, because the dog will be working in this predator’s actual habitat, “ explain WWF-Russia experts.

In addition, expedition participants observed 148 mountain goats (Siberian mountain goats), which, in comparison with past years, indicates the stability of this grouping. A low-snow winter has left grazing areas accessible to mountain goats in the high mountains, where over the course of the winter a significant portion of ungulates remained. The main threats to snow leopards remain shepherds that lose sheep to predator attacks and local snare poachers, according to WWF-Russia. One to two local snow leopards are lost every year as a result of an animal accidentally ending up in a snare trap. The inspectors that participated in the expedition succeeded in arresting three poachers from Ovyursky Rayon for illegal mountain goat hunting along the Eldig-Khem River.

Translation courtesy of Jennifer Castner.

Putin’s animal antics questioned in Russia

By Maria Antonova (AFP) – 19 hours ago

MOSCOW — “There’s a good kitty, a pretty kitty,” Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was shown by state media telling snow leopard last weekend, who stared back at him, covered in fresh blood.

The rare species is the latest to go under “personal control” of the Russian leader, who is overseeing research programs on a handful of mammals, including the tiger, beluga whale and polar bear.

As part of that work he has taken part in several tagging missions with scientists from the Moscow-based Severtsov Institute.

But other scientists have said the snow leopard was harmed, and that the program is scientifically unreasonable and directed more towards publicity.

The leopard, called Mongol, had to be flown to Khakasia, about 160 kilometers (100 miles) away from its habitat in the Sayano-Shushensky reserve, and was held in captivity for five days, released only after meeting Putin.

The removal of the animal was “criminal”, according to the regional UNDP-funded programme on biodiversity, since the Severtsov institute only had permission to tag Mongol, which could have been done in 15 minutes.

On Sunday, the Severtsov institute said on its website that the animal had to be held and treated for wounds on his neck and cheekbone.

“He was ill,” Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told AFP, dismissing allegations that the animal had been held captive in order to meet the prime minister as “absolutely groundless.”

But Alexander Bondarev, the manager of UNDP’s program, argued: “That any treatment was necessary is a big question.

“It is as though he was cured as soon as he saw the prime minister,” he added.

“If he really needed treatment, he could be treated in a zoo or in a veterinary center.”

Mongol could even have harmed himself as he was trying to break loose, said another observer.

“The important question is: how was the animal affected by staying in a cage?” said WWF Russia head Igor Chestin.

“Big cats, when disturbed, start hitting against it and can break their teeth, and without teeth they will not survive in the wild.”

There are only 100 snow leopards in Russia. “Each is literally golden,” said Bondarev.

They were easier to catch in the Sayano-Shushensky reserve, but tagging its population was not scientifically valuable, he added.

“There are only seven or eight specimens there, they are isolated and well studied,” he said. Tagging had to be done together with on-ground monitoring to see why the animal was moving in a certain way, he added.

“That cannot be done in a strictly protected area such as a reserve,” he said.

The Severtsov institute’s program, which studies animals in the Red Book of endangered species “and other especially important animals of Russia” currently lists six mammals, most of which were tagged, patted, or kissed by Putin.

The programme is funded by state oil transport monopoly Transneft, and a Saint Petersburg-based charitable fund “Konstantinovsky”, which is chaired mostly by government officials.

The first time the general public heard about it was in 2008, when Putin voiced support for the endangered Amur Tiger and participated in a tagging expedition in the Russian Far East.

A video about the expedition on the prime minister’s website relates how a helicopter carrying Vladimir Putin landed in the taiga.

Just as the prime minister is overseeing the facilities, “a tigress stumbles across a trap,” the video relates.

Putin personally drives the SUV to the scene, and “appears on the trail just at the moment the tigress makes a leap.” Handy with a gun, Putin shoots a syringe with the sedative, says the video’s commentary.

But that version of events does not gel with that told by some members of the conservation community, as one Far Eastern tiger expert told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Local conservationists believe the animal was flown in from the Khabarovsk zoo (about 500 kilometres away) in time for the visit.

It was placed in the trap, sedated just enough so it could start stirring when the delegation drove up, he said.

Later the animal was returned to the zoo and a different wild tigress was eventually captured and released with the tracker.

“This could be confirmed by a stripe pattern comparison,” the source said: “For each animal the pattern is unique.”

The big cat programmes advertised as pioneering on the Institute’s website have no synergy with local research, which has been going on for 18 years, he added.

“They like to say their project is supported by the government, so nobody voices any serious criticism. But locally scientists don’t like them, since they structure programmes based on convenience and PR.”

At the WWF, Chestin complained of low salaries, a cut in the number of rangers and other changes introduced after the government did away with its federal environmental protection committee.

“While considerable money is being spent lately on research, systematically, conservation of animals is in very poor shape,” he said.

It was Putin himself who signed the decree to end the committee’s existence on May 17th, 2000, ten days after his inauguration.

Copyright © 2011 AFP

Effort to save snow leopard in Taplejung, Nepal

Added At: 2010-10-21 12:19 AM
The Himalayan Times
Himalayan News Service

TAPLEJUNG; Locals of Gunsa village in the district have started to train local yak and sheep herders on the conservation of the endangered snow leopard that is found in the Kanchanjangha Conservation Area.

“Shepherds spark wildfires, chop down trees and make noise, thus disturbing snow leopards habitats. Keeping this tendency in mind, we decided to train them on the importance of the rare species,” said Himali Chundak, chairman of the Snow Leopard Conservation Sub-Committee.

Chundak added that the training was intended to conserve snow leopards and attract more tourists in the conservation area during the Nepal Tourism Year-2011.

Dandu Sherpa, a local, said villagers train shepherds visiting their farms and even in forest areas. Consequently, the hostility against the snow leopards and encroachment on their habitat has reduced of late.

Sujit Kumar Shrestha, manager of the conservation area project, said villagers were actively involved in the conservation of the rare wildlife. “Recognising its contribution to wildlife conservation, the World Wildlife Fund has honoured the sub-committee with Abraham Conservation Award,” said Shrestha.

Snow leopard is an internationally protected wildlife species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

WWF Altai-Sayan Newsletter issue #13: July – September, 2010

WWF Russia and WWF Mongolia share the main achievements of both offices in Altai – Sayan Ecoregion regarding species conservation, protected areas, ecotourism, public awareness, education, eco clubs, fresh water. For the full version of the newsletter in pdf format,
click here
. Several articles reference snow leopards:

WWF Russia
Camera Trapping in Argut River Valley

Snow Leopard Camera Trapping project started in August in Argut Valley – the largest snow leopard distribution in Russia located in the very heart of Altai Mountains. Over the next six months (October 2010-March 2011), a pilot monitoring project of the Argut snow leopard population will take place in this region, thanks to support from WWF, UNDP/GEF, Panthera Foundation, Altai Assistance Project and The Altai Project.

With support from UNDP/GEF a seminar for local residents took place in the Argut Valley village of Inegen on August 23-28, 2010.

Rodney Jackson of the Snow Leopard Conservancy (USA), a leading international snow leopard expert was invited to serve as the seminar’s instructor. During the training in Inegen, two local residents already involved in snow leopard population counts in the Argut River valley and Sergei Spitsyn, a rare species expert at Altaisky Nature Reserve, were trained in the use of digital Reconyx RapidFire and HyperFire cameras, as well as their implementation in snow leopard habitat and techniques for conducting camera-trapping population surveys for snow leopard.

The seminar took place in snow leopard habitat and concluded with the installation of the first seven cameras along the main transit routes of this rare predator. In October the number of camera traps, purchased with support from Panthera Foundation and the Altai Assistance Project, will be increased to twenty in the Argut Valley. The project will be implemented by local Inegen residents under the leadership of experienced staff from Altaisky Nature Reserve. As a result of the project, the development of a method for estimating snow leopard populations in the Argut Basin is planned. The active participation of local residents in this project engages them in snow leopard protection as a part of their natural and cultural heritage.

Another project goal is the development of a unique camera-trapping ecotourism route in the Argut River valley as part of a transboundary tourism route known as “Land of the Snow Leopard”.

On this route tourists can see not only unique landscapes along the Northern Chuisky and Katunsky Ridges, but they can also photograph local fauna, including the snow leopard, using camera traps. Local Inegen residents will organize the entire tour as part of Irbis-Ecotour’s tourism package, a project that has been underway in the Argut River valley for two years with support from WWF and UNDP/GEF. Finally, another planned aspect of this project is the establishment of a Snow Leopard Museum, meant to contain both scientific information about the species as well as the traditional knowledge of Altaian peoples about this charismatic predator of the high mountains. The museum will be a popular attraction not just for tourists traveling along the route, but also for local residents interested in protecting the snow leopard as a symbol of Altai.

WWF Russia
Community inspection is established in Republic of Altai to take part in anti – poaching activities in the key territory for argali and snow leopard conservation

Establishing of community inspection in Kosh – Agachsky Region near the Mongolian border is aimed to involve local indigenous people into nature conservation and rare species monitoring. Along with the government agencies the inspectors can remove illegal nets, snares and traps, help struggle poaching and conduct propaganda of nature conservation among the local villagers. They can monitor the situation and report to the law-enforcement agencies about the violations found. WWF provided the inspectors with the necessary equipment (cameras, means of communication, binoculars).

In July the representatives of nature conservation governmental organizations, law-enforcement agencies of Republic of Altai and the members of ten communities of indigenous people – telengits – gathered together to discuss the issues of public inspections. Ere – Chui – the Association of telengit communities was the organizer of the workshop supported by UNDP/GEF project.

At the workshop local people learned about the rights, obligation, duties and constraints of the public inspection, discussed the possibilities of the joined cooperation.
In whole the inspection is planned to consist of 15 telengit communities (30-35 inspectors), distributed all across Chuy valley and surrounding mountains. Every Telengit community is responsible for protection of its native mountain ranges and valleys and has real ability to decrease poaching in the habitats Argali and Snow Leopard – sacred animals for telengit people.

WWF Russia
“Land of Snow Leopard” Ecotourism Project as a tool to protect Irbis and Argali by local communities

“Land of Snow Leopard” project is a joint initiative of WWF and UNDP/GEF Project to involve local communities of Altai, Tuva and Western Mongolia to ecotourism development in the habitats of Snow Leopard and Altai Argali. The project will develop a transboundary ecotourism route based on local communities in South-Eastern Altai, South-Western Tuva and Western Mongolia, so local people will be able to have good income from tourist.

One of the most attractive features of “Land of Snow Leopard” route is an excellent opportunity to watch wild animals – Altai argali, Siberian Ibex, wolves, marmots, raptors and water foul. So, the protection of biodiversity by local communities will attract ecological tourists in the area and provide support for local people. Local people can work as tourist guides, souvenir makers and homestays providers. Due to WWF support last summer two ecotourist camps were established in Sailugem range by local communities of Telengit people. This area is the habitats of the largest Altai argali population on the border of Russia and Mongolia (about 500-600 individuals) and an excellent place to watch and film this endangered animals. In July 2010 the established camps opened the doors for the first visitors – WWF experts from Russia and Mongolia.

In September local people of Sailugem range participated in good training on tourist guiding and developed several routes for ecotourism excursions in argali and snow leopard habitats. The workshop was conducted by the trainers of Teaching Centre of Protected Areas in Republic of Altai organized with the support of WWF “Protected Areas for a Living Planet” Project. The Land of Snow Leopard route will start to operate next year conserving unique species of Altai-Sayan.

WWF Russia
Snow Leopard and Argali inspired the Masters of Felt Making of Republic of Altai

On September, 23 – 24 the workshop on felt making was organized by Fund of Sustainable Development of Altai (FSDA) with the support of UNDP/GEF Project in Kosh – Agach District. The main goal was not only to teach felt making but also inspire the locals to use the images of argali and snow leopard for the souvenirs.

In 2009 year the resurrecting of felt making in Republic of Altai became an important part of alternative livelihoods development programme for the people living close to protected areas for “Protected Areas for a Living Planet” project of WWF in Altai – Sayan Ecoregion. This kind of traditional craft has been almost forgotten in the area but it could be a good source of income for local people living in the habitats of rare species and a means of raising their livelihoods.

WWF concentrated on providing the local people with a chance to learn the new skills of felt making and experience share. “Marketing Commonwealth” festival in Mongolia was a starting point for Altai women to learn the basis of felt making. The number of new felt masters have been growing like a snow ball and at the moment there are about hundred of felt masters in Republic of Altai who continue teaching the other local people.
The workshops in September were organized only for the local people of three districts – the crucial for argali and snow leopard conservation. Revenue received from selling souvenirs will raise their income and help diminish illegal hunting and wild plants picking pressure. Besides the felt souvenirs will became an essential part of every camp of “Snow Leopard Land”.

Felt souvenirs are the famous, attractive and ecologically pure souvenirs popular all over the world. The resurrecting of felt making traditions is not only a chance for livelihoods growing but also the possibility to show the world cultural and natural heritage of Altai.

Snow Leopard – a Treasure of Tuva. WWF introduces Tuva journalists to the snow leopard (Tsagaan Shibetu Ridge)

Altai – Sayan Project of WWF became a member of a large- scale project “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) in Republic of Tuva which is aimed to identify nine the most precious places and events of Tuvin Land. WWF proposed a snow leopard as a real treasure of Tuva. To support snow leopard WWF organized a press-tour for local TV-companies and newspapers to South-Western Tuva – a real Land of Snow Leopard. Headed by the experts of Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina Nature Reserves the journalists had a chance to visit the key habitat of a snow leopard in Tuva – a mysterious place of Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge near the border with Mongolia. Tsagan-Shibetu is one of the key snow leopard distributions in Altai-Sayan Ecoregion located in transboundary zone of Russia and Mongolia. The total number of snow leopards in Tsagan-Shibetu population is about 20 individuals.

The journalists spent three days in Tsagan-Shibetu Mountains, so that they could personally experience how the snow leopards live and survive in places which were once their hunting range and now they are settled by herders. They found out how the poachers capture leopard cubs to sell to private zoos of rich people. How, due to decrease of wild ungulates by

poachers irbis is forced to attack domestic livestock of local herders. The journalists learned more about conservation projects of WWF and other conservation groups to protect snow leopards: in 2007-2008 all livestock pens in snow leopard habitats were protected with metal mesh and number of livestock killed by snow leopards decreased 5-8 times; in 2010 an ecotourism project called “Land of Snow Leopard” started in South-Western Tuva in cooperation with herder communities; new cluster of Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina Nature reserve is planned on Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge.

The visit to snow leopards was also annexed to the field work of The Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciense in Tsagan-Shibetu Ridge. This project was made possible by Government of Russian Federation in the frameworks of the Big Cat program devoted to wild cats study and conservation in Russia including an endangered snow leopard. The scientists have been working in Tsagan-Shibetu since June, and every day they carefully set up and check their camera traps to get pictures of irbis. Their goal is to try out the new methods of research of irbis populations in South-Eastern Tuva: using camera traps and DNA analysis for precise estimation of snow leopard number, satellite collars to learn more about irbis home range and movements. More than 40 camera traps had been set up on Tsagaan-Shibetu ridge but the only and the very first sharp image of the irbis was taken right on the day the journalists arrived. RECONIХ camera took a picture in grayish fog, but a distinct silhouette of a snow leopard can be seen in profile: the irbis was moving along the path in early dusk. Inspired and amazed the journalist went home.

WWF Mongolia
Nature conservation through involving local residents and supporting their initiatives

WWF Mongolia aims to conserve the nature through strengthening local people on their self-development and livelihood improvement. Within this aim it supports herders’ community groups in many ways. Such example was a 3-day meeting on strengthening management team of herder community groups and evaluation of their activities was carried out in August 2010. Around 10 herder community groups from saiga range area have participated in the event and many of them were newly established. The participants shared their experience and lessons learned on group development, livelihood improvement options and conservation activities. A first draft of work plan for the coming year was elaborated in a participatory approach which will focus more on surface water resources. A volunteer ranger is agreed to be nominated within each community group.

Besides, the groups have held their annual Community Development Festival with participation and support of local authorities. Activities also made aware about the advantages of becoming community group member and encouraging them to join a community-based organization. During the festival, a trade exhibition was organized displaying various products made by herders. Other entertainment shows such as sport games contests, quiz and art show have been held as well. The festival enabled the local communities have in-depth knowledge and benefits as the key tool to accelerate the rural development.

Community groups trans-boundary cooperation

Members of some community groups of Uvs and Khovd provinces participated in the International Felt Festival 2010 which was held in Tuva, Russia. There were number of wool masters from many countries and provinces of Russia such as Abakan, Bashkorstan, Khakasia, Krasnoyarsk attending the event. Trade fair was displayed with various activities like wool processing, product making shows, competitions on several nominations and so on. Mongolian participants expressed their satisfaction as they have gained awards in 2 nominations, e.g. the best processed felt and best souvenir product. They were grateful to the organizers as they learned a lot from the masters of other countries. Contact with some of them is being maintained which would open new horizons to expand the existing market.

Afterwards, an advanced training on wool and felt products design was conducted with financial and logistical support of WWF Mongolia with totally 24 wool masters of community groups from Uvs and Khovd provinces have been trained and certified.

WWF Russia
WWF and Oxfam –GB joint project works on capacity building of local people in Tuva

Potential Business Trainers Workshop held in Kyzil City in Tuva in September was aimed to identify potential people willing and capable to become the business trainers. Being involved as trainers into the workshops they will later share their knowledge with the local people who live in three key districts for snow leopard and argali conservation in Tuva. Teaching local people business basis will help them start their own business and raise the livelihood and moreover to distract them from poaching for food in this area which is the main reason for illegal hunting as reported in WWF – Oxfam survey last year.

The workshop was headed by the experts from the European part of Russia who used their own “Start Your Business” Programme to teach the new-comers the basis of training and training organization.

Eleven participants (mostly women) attended a 5 day-long full-time workshop learning the aspects of working with people, training and developing communicative skills. At the end of the meeting everyone had to prove the skills they had obtained. The participants had to conduct a part of a made-up training, demonstrate the use of exercises, elaborate their own methodological materials and so on. Six people with a high potential for becoming the professional trainers were identified.

WWF Mongolia
Altai-Sayan PA administration staff start to undertake quality research activities at experts level

A major research work has been carried out by the staff of five Altai-Sayan PA administrations in the Khasagt Khairkhan mountain range, a division of the Altai mountain system. Studies covered the distribution, habitat range and population patterns of rare and endangered species such as the Snow Leopard, Siberian Ibex, Red Deer and some avian species.

As it was decided to establish a new administration to conserve the integrity of Khasagt Khairkhan Strictly Protected Area’s biodiversity, this research study is of key significance which would serve as baseline documentation for development of management plan.

The core feature of this research tour is that the PA administration staffs have carried out the research studies themselves without any technical backstopping at high professional level, which we truly believe to be the key outcome of WWF’s interventions.

Furthermore, the participants have had a unique opportunity to get on-job training as they apply theoretical knowledge in practice. For the last three years WWF Mongolia made tremendous efforts to build the capacity of PA staff at all levels through series of training sessions, technical consultancy and research activities with regular feedbacks.

Another major fish survey has been carried out in the Khar, Khar-Us, Khyargas and Airag lakes, in the Great Lakes Depression of the Altai-Sayan Mongolia part. For the last two decades, only ad-hoc based surveys were conducted with no consistent database. This survey is featured by its on-job training for the PA staffs that are further expected to carry-out observations and establish reliable database on regular basis.