
The Snow Leopard Network (SLN) is an international effort that brings together snow leopard organizations, researchers and conservationists in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. It strives to “link up to scale up” and thereby enhance the impact of snow leopard conservation investments. We seek cross-sector partnerships to support snow leopard conservation through innovations and shared learning. 







Individual Members



Organisational Members




Member Organisations




















Partner with us

Become an Organisational Member

Membership in the Snow Leopard Network is free of charge and open to any individual or organisation, worldwide, interested or active in snow leopard conservation. See SLN Bylaws for more information.


Support our Grants Program

At this time the SLN is seeking support to ramp up its grants program, which is considered to be an essential part of the network’s activities. Funding is needed to nurture new talent from the range countries, thereby shaping the next generation of snow leopard conservationists, and to support community-based conservation initiatives on the ground. Support is sought from organizations and/or businesses for this purpose, enabling ‘link up to scale up’ of grass root initiatives for snow leopard conservation.

Please contact us for more information.


Share Resources 

Our partners are welcome to work with us and share information, tools, best practices to increase the reach of snow leopard conservation efforts. Partners often lead training modules for our members. Please get in touch with us. We are keen to work with you to develop strong partnerships around snow leopard conservation 

Please contact us for more information.


Submit a Blog Post

SLN welcomes member contributions to the Blog. Please submit your idea below and the team will get back to you on the possibility to feature the work online. 

Webinar & Trainings

SLN offers a series of Webinars and Trainings to members and non-members. If you have ideas for themes/topics to cover or would like to lead a training or webinar please do get in touch. Our team will review the information and get back to you. SLN, in partnership with GSLEP, also supports regional snow leopard research and conservation training initiatives. Get in touch if you have any requests or ideas to take forward. 







All photos by Ismail Shariff