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SCB Offers Free Access to Publications

SCB Offers Free Access to Publications

The Society for Conservation Biology is now offering access to publications for SCB members in developing countries to offset the high cost of subscribing to academic journals. Although access is free to those members, the membership fee is only 10 USD for those in developing countries, thus ensuring affordable access ...
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Asian Big Cats and Humans

Asian Big Cats and Humans

Human/big cat conflict is increasing at an alarming rate in much of Asia as a result of the growing human population and the resulting stress on the habitat areas of snow leopards, leopards, tigers, and other species of Asian wild cats. This article by Wendy Elliot and published in Pugmark ...
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Twenty-four Conservationists Lost in Tragic Helicopter Accident

Twenty-four Conservationists Lost in Tragic Helicopter Accident

We at the Snow Leopard Network offer our sincerest condolences as we mourn the loss of 24 conservationists who lost their lives in a helicopter accident in Nepal on 23 September, 2006. Each of the victims offered outstanding contributions to the field of snow leopard conservation, and they will undoubtedly ...
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Ev-K²-Cnr and WWF-Nepal, together for the snow leopard

Ev-K²-Cnr and WWF-Nepal, together for the snow leopard

August 2006- “Nature is talking to us and we should listen and act now”. This was the warning made a few days ago by the "Earth greats", united in Curtiba, Brasil. The Ev-K²-Cnr Committee seems to have taken them literally. The Italian association led by Agostino Da Polenza has just ...
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WCS to Open Five Wildlife Reserves in Afghanistan

WCS to Open Five Wildlife Reserves in Afghanistan

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has recently announced a plan to establish five wildlife reserves in Afghanistan. WCS is working in cooperation with the government of Afghanistan and receiving funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project is being headed by George Schaller, a member of ...
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The Launch of India’s Project Snow Leopard

The Launch of India’s Project Snow Leopard

The Launch of India’s Project Snow Leopard   Snow Leopard Network   10-11 July 2006 Leh, Ladakh, India   The fragile high-altitude mountain ecosystems of northern India are of enormous ecological and cultural importance. In addition to maintaining snow leopards and their prey, these ecosystems support pastoral communities, watersheds that ...
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NABU: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES), was put into force in the United States on June 20, 1976. CITES maintains a list of endangered animals and plants, and prohibits the international trade of these species. These restrictions often lead to the recovery ...
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Scientist Uses Snow Leopard Feces for Genetic Analysis

Scientist Uses Snow Leopard Feces for Genetic Analysis

CNN, May 2006- Dr. Lisette Waits of the University of Idaho is using wild snow leopard feces to gather data for DNA analysis, in cooperation with the Snow Leopard Trust. The technology to use hair and feces for DNA sampling was developed only recently and will be very helpful with ...
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Congratulations to Jiang for Being Selected as a Finalist for the Whitney Fund for Nature (WFN) Award

Congratulations to Jiang for Being Selected as a Finalist for the Whitney Fund for Nature (WFN) Award

The Whitney Fund for Nature, a UK-based charity that gives monetary rewards for outstanding conservation efforts, presented its most recent award on 10 May, 2006. Snow Leopard Network member Zhigang Jiang was one of the finalists. We applaud his commitment to conservation. For more information on Jiang’s work, see the ...
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China Requires News Reporters to Wear Fur

China Requires News Reporters to Wear Fur

New Delhi 2 May 2006 There was a small but alarming news item on the Tibetan service of Radio Free Asia today. Recently presenters at the Amdo Tso-ngo TV channel in Qinghai, China, were instructed by the head of the Chinese government's Information Centre and United Front Department that they ...