/ Journal Article
New Article to the Bibliography

New Article to the Bibliography

Please find details below of a new article added to our Bibliography: Title: Changes in ecological conditions may influence intraguild competition: inferring interaction patterns of snow leopard with co-predators Author: Pal, R., Panwar, A., Goyal, S. P., Sathyakumar, S. Abstract: Background: Large-scale changes in habitat conditions due to human modifications ...
Climate risk for communities’ livelihoods & its implications for human-wildlife conflict

Climate risk for communities’ livelihoods & its implications for human-wildlife conflict

Climate change is perhaps the overarching threat to snow leopards and their habitat. Knowledge about its impact on the species, its habitat and the people who share that habitat is growing but still remains incomplete and fragmentary. As our understanding of climate change impacts changes over time the Snow Leopard ...
/ News, Webinar
Celebrating 20 years of the Snow Leopard Network

Celebrating 20 years of the Snow Leopard Network

It all started back in 2002 – twenty years ago. The Snow Leopard Survival Summit brought together over 60 experts from 17 countries to develop what was to become the Snow Leopard Survival Strategy. From that meeting the Snow Leopard Network was founded with a Steering Committee of eight elected ...
Towards improved parasite transmission understanding: A case study from the Indian Trans-Himalaya

Towards improved parasite transmission understanding: A case study from the Indian Trans-Himalaya

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Munib Khanyari and Dr. Manvi Sharma. Our guests give a particular focus on how multi-use landscapes, home to both wildlife and livestock-dependent herders, require context specific approaches to addressing disease transmission risks. During this talk we will travel to the mountains of Spiti, India ...
Tracing the Blue Eyes: The Genetic Ancestry of the Chinese Mountain Cat

Tracing the Blue Eyes: The Genetic Ancestry of the Chinese Mountain Cat

Within China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, called the rooftop of the world because it is the highest plateau on the planet, dwells the Chinese Mountain Cat or Chinese Steppe Cat (Felis silvestris bieti). This unique wild cat shares its species designation with the North African Wildcat (F. s. lybica), South African Wildcat ...
/ Webinar
SLN Webinar - Perceptions of carnivore management interventions in Sweden and wildlife conflicts from the perspective of the individual.

SLN Webinar – Perceptions of carnivore management interventions in Sweden and wildlife conflicts from the perspective of the individual.

Large carnivores are known to evoke strong emotions. These can influence consensus or social interactions between people promoting wildlife conservation and people who suffer from its negative consequences. Conservation interventions that aim to prevent or mitigate carnivore attacks on domestic animals are intended to promote coexistence between people and carnivores ...
Week 1: Mountain Ungulates

Week 1: Mountain Ungulates

Hosted by Dr. Munib Khanyari Asia’s mountain ungulates play an important role in maintaining ecosystems by influencing vegetation structure and nutrient cycling. There is a need for more information about the population status of these ungulates, which carries special significance in the protection of the snow leopard across its range ...
/ Journal Article
New Article to the Bibliography

New Article to the Bibliography

Please find details below of a new article added to our Bibliography: Title: Pastoral practices, pressures, Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice Open Access and human-wildlife relations in high altitude rangelands of eastern Himalaya: A case study of the Dokpa pastoralists of North Sikkim Author: Luxom, N. M., Singh, R., Theengh, ...
/ Webinar
SLN Webinar – Climate risk for communities’ livelihoods & its implications for human-wildlife conflict

SLN Webinar – Climate risk for communities’ livelihoods & its implications for human-wildlife conflict

Climate change is perhaps the overarching threat to snow leopards and their habitat. Knowledge about its impact on the species, its habitat and the people who share that habitat is growing but still remains incomplete and fragmentary. As our understanding of climate change impacts changes over time the Snow Leopard ...
/ Journal Article
New Article to the Bibliography

New Article to the Bibliography

Please find details below of a new article added to our Bibliography: Title: Spatial density pattern of Himalayan Ibex (Capra sibirica) in Pakistan Author: Ahmad, S., Ali, H., Asif, M., Khan, T, Din, N., Rehman, E. U., Hameed, S., Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A. Abstract: Mountain ungulates perform a ...