The March 2008, international snow leopard conference in Beijing passed three major resolutions. The first being for national focal points to be formed in each of the snow leopard range countries. The focal points will coordinate the communications and exchange of information on snow leopard conservation and research both international and national levels. Following this resolution, The Mongolian Focal Point was established at the National Snow Leopard Policy review, 18 March 2008 in Ulaanbaatar, where it was decided to form a broad based focal point group in order to maximize the benefits of collaboration. The group is comprised of government agencies, international and national NGOs, engaged in snow leopard conservation and research. The six members of the group represent Ministry of Nature and Environment (MNE), WWF, UNDP ( Altai Sayan Eco- Region project), Uvs Lake Basin Protected Area and Snow Leopard Conservation Fund (SLCF, NGO). It was agreed that SLCF would coordinate focal point group activities. This will be good news for snow leopard conservation and research in Mongolia, as it will enable all group and other stakeholders to better facilitate problems of information sharing and allow NGO’s and government institutions to learn from each other. One of the three resolutions suggested at the Beijing conference was to expedite development of a Snow Leopard Action Plan, or to better implement existing plans to their fullest extent. Mongolia already has had an action plan that has been followed since 2005 when it was first approved, along with the Snow Leopard National Policy. However, the action plan for the next decades which was suggested at the Beijing international conference, was introduced for review at the 18 March policy review workshop as well. A group of Mongolian participants who attended at the international conference, was able to suggest adaptations and additional activities that would update the existing action plan and improve harmony with international guidelines set at the Beijing conference. Action Plan review workshop was hosted by MNE, WWF and Irbis Mongolia, NGO in 18 March, 2008.