Snow leopard Network Timeline
” In 2001, the Snow Leopard Trust sought to create a Survival Strategy to guide snow leopard research and conservation globally. The Survival Summit took place in Seattle, USA in May 2002.
During a 5-day period over 60 experts from 17 countries hammered out the landmark Snow Leopard Survival Strategy (SLSS, 2003).
On the final day of the Summit, citing close ties formed during SLSS development, attendees established the Snow Leopard Network to ensure ongoing communication within the snow leopard community and foster implementation of the SLSS.”
Tom McCarthy

“Since its inception, the SLN has played an important role of facilitating communication, cooperation, and capacity enhancement amongst conservationists from around the world. Two decades on, It continues to play that critical role.”
Charu Mishra

Threats and opportunities for snow leopard conservation keep evolving in a rapidly changing world. The Snow Leopard Network has this special capacity of bringing people together and sharing the latest thinking across the range and world. This continues to support collaborative responses and shape creative ideas for the future.
Building a supportive snow leopard community is especially important during challenging times such as COVID-19.
Justine Shanti Alexander