My Snow Leopard Profile

Please login to your SLN Profile by providing your username and password below. 

If you are not yet an SLN member please fill in and submit the form below and choose Full MemberAffiliate, or Organization member as applicable:
1) Full Member – Any person can become a member who is contributing to snow leopard conservation through: Research, Conservation programs, Education, Training, Advocacy, Policy and decision making, Ex-situ conservation.
2) Affiliate non-voting member – Persons interested in snow leopard conservation though not actively involved in activities specified for Full Members.
3) Organization member – Institutions and agencies that promote conservation or sustainable development of mountain environments in snow leopard range. Kindly note that each organization can only have one Organization membership to represent the organisation. The name and contact details of a person to represent the organization will be requested for this registration.    

Once your application is reviewed and approved by the SLN Committee you will receive an email confirming your registration. This may take a few days. Kindly note; Incase of any queries or doubts with regards to the membership application, please email us

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All photos by Ismail Shariff