Module 12: Fundamental Statistical Tools

An on-line resource for practitioners




About this module

A good working knowledge of statistics can help you achieve better study designs, choose the correct analytical framework, and present your results in a meaningful way. In conservation, statistics is crucial for making decisions and predictions based on data. Module 12 aims to provide an understanding of fundamental statistical toolsand how to implement them in the widely used R software. All sessions include practical exercises that will help you become familiar with the R language. 

Please make sure that R-Studio and R are both installed on your computer, keeping in mind your operating system:

Skills you will gain

    • How to organise your data
    • Hypothesis testing
    • Linear regression
    • Interpretation of results
    • How to avoid common mistakes


Module 12 Sessions

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Module 12 – R语言简介

Meet the Resource Team

Anne Heloise Theo is a marine ecologist working on community ecology and behaviour of reef fish. She is currently a PhD student in the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science.

Guillaume Demare is a PhD candidate at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany. His research currently focuses on the community ecology of West African amphibians.


“We strive hard to answer very basic and applied ecological questions. A specific area of research we focus on is the development and application of statistical models for estimating animal abundance, occurrence, resource selection, and species interactions.

This course provided opportunity to learn basic concept in wildlife data analysis”

Muhammad, Pakisatan

“I am currently analysing data for my MSc project based on human-wildlife coexistence. I found the course particularly helpful as it provided me with a better understanding of statistical theory and of R software.

I believe this course will benefit a wide range of researchers and conservationists in their data analysis. The hosts were very knowledgeable!

Faye, UK

Congratulations for completing this on-line module!

If you have any further questions please do get in touch







All photos by Ismail Shariff