Snow Leopard Network Bylaws


Article 1. Name

The name of this organization will be the Snow Leopard Network, hereinafter referred to as the Network.


Article 2. Mission

To promote sound scientifically-based conservation of the endangered snow leopard through networking and collaboration between individuals, organizations, and governments.


Article 3. Composition

The Network is open to any individual or organization, worldwide, interested or active in snow leopard conservation.

Section 1: Membership types and levels:


a. Full Member – Any person can become a member who is contributing to snow leopard conservation through: * Research * Conservation programs * Education * Training * Advocacy * Policy and decision making * Ex-situ conservation

b. Affiliate non-voting member – Persons interested in snow leopard conservation though not actively involved in activities specified for Full Members. Organizations

c. Organizations, institutions and agencies that promote conservation or sustainable development of mountain environments in snow leopard range.

Section 2: Procedure for Application Individuals and organizations must apply to become members.

The Chair of the Membership Committee will review applications and approve them once the details of the applicant have been verified. Membership must be renewed every 5 years. Participants in the SLSS (May 2002) are automatically members through May 2007.

A Membership Application is available on the SLN website.


Article 4. Duties of Members

* Contribute and share information within the Network
* Collaborate or correspond with other members
* Respond to specific requests from Network
* Vote in Network elections or on resolutions
* Work for the Network on various committees and projects.


Article 5. Termination of membership

Membership can be terminated by the Steering Committee for failure to act professionally or acting in a manner contradictory to the goals of the Network.


Article 6. Rights of Members

Membership provides access to the SLN Website, database, bibliography, list serve and electronic newsletter. Also, contact and opportunities for partnerships with professionals within the group and all those involved or interested in SL conservation.


Article 7. Officers

June 2002 through December 2005

The Steering Committee shall be comprised of six (6) members and one Chairperson, as elected at or immediately after the SLSS Workshop.

Commencing January 2006

There shall be one (1) Chairperson and six (6) Steering Committee members elected from and by the Network membership, and one (1) permanent position of Executive Director to be filled by a representative of the organization providing management and support services for the Network such as a website, list serve, database hosting, banking and other mechanisms. The Executive Director will initially be the Conservation Director of the Snow Leopard Trust or his/her appointee.

The term of office for Steering Committee members and Chairperson will be 3 years. The maximum term for any elected position is two (2) consecutive terms or six (6) consecutive years. The first election shall be held in November 2005 and every 3 years thereafter. Officers will take up positions on the 1st day of January following the elections.

The Chairperson will preferably, but not necessarily, be a resident of a snow leopard range state. They will be able to communicate effectively in both written and spoken English. A minimum of 4 Steering Committee members must be from range states. All officers must be Network members in good standing at the time of election.

Any Officer can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the general membership by secret mail ballot. Such a recall election can be called by a petition signed by 20 percent of the general membership, or by a simple majority vote of the Steering Committee.


Article 8. Duties of Officers

The Steering Committee is the executive and policy making body of the Network. They shall, among other duties, determine activities to be undertaken, adopt an appropriate budget and seek needed funds, manage the Networks finances, create committees, foster interaction among the membership, make position statements after consultation with membership and/or committees, decide upon membership applications and member expulsions, supervise the Networks communications including electronic and print media, decide on times and dates of Steering Committee meetings and those of the general membership. They will also develop Terms of Reference for the Chairman, Executive Director, and any needed office staff.


Article 9. Decision Making

General Membership Issues

Each individual member and member organization has one vote.

Steering Committee Issues

A simple majority vote of the Steering Committee is required to pass any measure under consideration; in the event of a tied vote, the Chair will have a casting vote.

Position statements will be approved by the Steering Committee.

The by-laws can be amended by a two-thirds (five members) vote of the available Steering Committee.


Article 10. Committees and Working Groups

The Steering Committee may establish Committees and Working Groups to address specific issues.

Chairs will initially be appointed by the Steering Committee. Members will be appointed by the Chair, in consultation with the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee may invite non-Network members to serve on committees as needed to gain specific expertise. Terms of Reference for each Working Group or Committee will be decided by the Steering Committee. Working Group and Committee chairs will provide a written report of activities to the Steering Committee.

Working Group and Committee Chairs may be invited to attend meetings of the Steering Committee, as non-voting participants, when their personal presence is required to guide the Steering Committee on issues and as funds allow.


Article 11. Operation:

SLT will provide core functions for the Network such as website, listserve, database hosting, banking and other mechanisms. Nominal costs of these services will be borne by the Network. If the Network gains a sustainable internal structure, it may elect to take these mechanisms over. Until that occurs, or the Steering Committee decides a change is desired, SLT will retain the dedicated Executive Director position on the Steering Committee.







All photos by Ismail Shariff