New Article to the Bibliography


Please find details below of a new article added to our Bibliography:

Title: Snow Leopard Status in Bhutan – National Snow Leopard Survey Report 2022-2023

Author: Nature Conservation Division; Department of Forests and Park Services; Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources; Royal Government of Bhutan

Abstract: The National Snow Leopard Survey (NSLS) report 2022-2023 provides an updated status of the snow leopard in Bhutan. The report is an outcome of the camera trapping survey spanning five protected areas namely Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, Jigme Dorji National Park, Wangchuck Centennial National Park, Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary and Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park and two Divisional Forest Offices of Paro and Thimphu. A total of 310 camera stations were setup across the field sites that accumulated a survey effort of 22,636 trap nights, with over 10,000 images of snow leopards captured. A careful review of 476 images identified 96 adult individuals and 10 cubs across the landscape. Bayesian-based Spatially Explicit Capture Recapture (SECR) modelling estimated 134 snow leopards, as compared to the 2016 baseline of 96 individuals. Snow leopard density was estimated at 1.34 snow leopards per 100 km2 with the possibility of higher density in western Bhutan than in c
entral and eastern Bhutan. Habitat distribution modeling also suggests more suitable habitats in western Bhutan as compared to other regions.