SLN Pre-Event to the GSLEP Steering Committee Meeting

As many of you will know, the GSLEP Steering Committee (SC) Meeting will be taking place on snow leopard day – October 23rd, 2020. The Snow Leopard Network would like to host a virtual pre-event to the GSLEP SC meeting, on Thursday October 22nd. This will allow us to come together as a Network and join with the GSLEP SC participants, to discuss snow leopard conservation from a global perspective.    

Our SLN Steering Committee member – Dr. Juan Li – will give a brief overview presentation on the global status of snow leopard threats and opportunities for conservation. Dr. Juan Li has been a leading figure in carrying out global assessments of snow leopard responses to climate change, predicting global distributions and identifying key geographic areas for conservation priority. This will set the scene for highlighting the need for continued global collaborations in snow leopard conservation. We will then showcase how SLN is working towards contributing to global conservation efforts and supporting GSLEP efforts. Dr. Koustubh Sharma from the GSLEP Program will also join us to highlight the SLN-GSLEP partnership. During the discussion period, we hope to hear from you, in terms of how SLN can support practitioners and policy makers across the range. 

Please do join us on October 22nd, 2020 (a day before the SC Meeting), to catalyze energy and ideas towards snow leopard conservation at this important level. We thank the GSLEP Secretariat for hosting this event on their platform. Please see the details on how to attend this event below. 

When: 13:00 Bishkek time; Thursday October 22nd, 2020

About our main speaker: Dr. Juan Li graduated from Peking University and got her postdoc at UC Berkeley. Her research has focused on the endangered snow leopard, including novel insights into understanding their basic ecology, identifying key threats and developing specific conservation strategies. She has systematically studied the habitat selection, population density, activity pattern, food habit, human-snow leopard conflicts, and conservation gaps of snow leopards on the Tibetan Plateau. She identified the climate refugia for global snow leopard population, and defined priorities for global snow leopard conservation landscapes. These results have been published on journals like Conservation Biology and Biological Conservation.

To Attend: the SLN pre-event will take place on Zoom using the Webinar feature. On Thursday Oct 22nd, please click the link below to join the webinar:

Nb: If you are a participant of the GSLEP Steering Committee meeting or PAWS Summit you can also access the event directly through the Attendify platform. 

A joint SLN & GSLEP Event