Snow Leopard Network
The Snow Leopard Network (SLN) is a worldwide organization dedicated to facilitating the exchange of information and insights between individuals around the world for the purpose of snow leopard conservation.
Our membership includes leading snow leopard experts in the public, private and non-profit sectors. It strives to “link up to scale up” and thereby enhance the impact of snow leopard conservation investments. Since the launch of the network in 2003, our membership has grown to over 700 members, 33 organizations and 11 Partners.
We connect people and organizations so that they can share news, best practices and expertise regarding research and conservation
We mobilize individuals and organizations around shared goals for more impactful and sustainable conservation approaches
We strengthen capacities in research and conservation through a training initiative, resource library and support services
We provide incentives for expanding local conservation efforts through a grants program
Our Mission
The Snow Leopard Network was created to promote sound scientifically-based conservation of the endangered snow leopard through networking and collaboration between individuals, organizations, and governments. The SLN strives to establish and strengthen professional linkages for addressing the crucial issues affecting the survival of snow leopards and their prey species, and the livelihood opportunities of local people. The primary document used to further this goal is the Snow Leopard Survival Strategy (SLSS), which was co-authored by several members of the SLN. The SLSS presents a detailed strategy for saving the endangered snow leopard through research, conservation actions, and establishing government action plans in snow leopard range countries.
Our Objectives
- Establish the SLN as lead coordinator for promoting snow leopard research and conservation.
- Facilitate the implementation of the SLSS, and relevant aspects of CMS, CITES, CBD etc.
- Promote development and implementation of country action plans for snow leopards.
- Promote scientific management and conservation of snow leopard, natural prey and their mountain ecosystem.
- Build and strengthen capacity in range states for snow leopard conservation.
- Formulate position statements on snow leopard related issues drawing on the combined knowledge and expertise of the SLN members.
Our Governance
The Snow Leopard Network is governed a Steering Committee which consists of a Chairperson, an Executive Director and 6 Steering Committee members elected from the general membership. The term of appointments of the SC members is for 3 years (currently 2018-2020). In addition to the SC Working Groups may be tasked by the SC on specific issues. All members are eligible to serve on the SC or Working Groups. For more information, see the Bylaws and Steering Committees pages.
Our History
The Snow Leopard Network came into being in 2002 at the Snow Leopard Survival Summit in Seattle, Washington, USA as a means for snow leopard experts all across the globe to maintain the same level of contact and cooperation that they experienced at the conference. Since then, membership has grown from the original 65 to over 500, and our numbers are continuing to expand as more snow leopard researchers, experts, and organizations join us to collaborate for the ultimate goal of snow leopard preservation. Read more about SLN’s history on our Timeline.