SLN Webinar: Tech for wildlife: The role AI and technology can play in nature conservation


About the Talk:

In this webinar hosted by the Snow Leopard Network, Peter van Lunteren’s presentation will explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in nature conservation, specifically emphasizing its potential applications in advancing Snow Leopard conservation efforts.

A picture of a snow leopard taken from the snow leopard network website. Box drawn by Peter. Photo credits to Shan Shui/SLT/Panthera

Peter will examine the current state of AI capabilities and discuss how conservationists can leverage automation and computer vision to enhance efficiency in their work. The focus will be on using AI for data analysis, real-time audio, and image processing in remote areas. Technologies such as camera traps, GPS collar tracking, and bioacoustic monitoring will be discussed. By addressing the current possibilities and challenges, Peter aims to shed light on how AI can be a powerful ally in the ongoing efforts to protect and preserve Snow Leopards and their habitats.

A lion with a GPS collar. Credit to Dr. Philip Stander of Desert Lion Conservation.

Peter photographing the environment in Northern Uganda.

About our Speaker:

How would I describe myself? I’m an optimistic, methodical, results-oriented, tech-savvy ecologist with a passion for developing data-driven solutions that improve the quality of ecological research and monitoring. My name is Peter van Lunteren, and I am an ecologist and data scientist. I have worked for several conservation initiatives over the past years and started out as a field biologist. I gradually came in contact with the world of conservation technology, until I eventually founded Addax Data Science. Addax specializes in the fusion of ecology, data science, and artificial intelligence to develop tailored tools to meet your specific needs. Projects range from statistical data analysis to streamlining research processes, including data flows, automated reports, dashboards, and custom species identification models for various applications, such as bird vocalizations, camera trap image analysis, or gunshot and chainsaw detection and localization.

Example of statistical output: a heatmap. Created by Peter.


Tuesday, 26th March at 14:00pm Bishkek time


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Please note

  • If you have never used Zoom before, we recommend that you try the link 10 minutes before the start of the lecture.
  • Please feel free to write questions in the comment area and there will be time for questions/discussion at the end of the talk.
  • Please note that the session will be recorded and later featured on the SLN website. If you have concerns about this please let us know before the session.




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