Snow Leopard Reports 1st Issue: Call for News


Dear SLN members,

Snow Leopard Reports is preparing the journal’s First Issue! This is a call for any News pieces to be considered for the First issue of Snow Leopard Reports (coming out March/April 2023). Please consider sharing any relevant updates or news related to the scope of the journalSnow Leopard Reports (previously unpublished information, up to 200 words following the guidelines listed here). 

News pieces should be submitted by emailing us directly. Please use the following News Template provided herePlease note that if Snow Leopard Reports receives more submissions than can be published, the journal Editors will make a selection. Please submit all News pieces before the deadline of March 7th 2023.

Please also consider submitting any Research or Conservation Notes for publication all year round. For more information about this and Snow Leopard Reports, please visit our website:  

Many thanks and looking forward to your updates,

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