New Article to the Bibliography


Please find details below of a new article added to our Bibliography:

Title: Camera trapping survey for snow leopard provides first photographic record of Woolly Flying Squirrel from Kishtwar Himalayas, India

Author: Mueen, Q. H., Thuktan, T., Khanyari, M., Khaleel, M.

Abstract: The Woolly Flying Squirrel (Eupetaurus cinereus), considered native to Northern Pakistan and North- Western Himalaya has remained an elusive species because of its presence in high mountain rocky cliffs near the tree line. These montane habitats have remained inaccessible for research thus making it difficult to study their distribution. Here, we present the first photographic evidence of the Woolly Flying Squirrel from the Kishtwar region of Jammu and Kashmir obtained from camera-traps placed to detect snow leopard presence and distribution. This record adds valuable presence information to the existing distribution range of the species from the North-Western Himalaya.


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