Snow leopard NEWS: SLN Pre-Event to the GSLEP Steering Committee Meeting
This year, 2021, the GSLEP Steering Committee (SC) Meeting will be virtual and take place on October 22nd, 2021. The Snow Leopard Network would like to host a pre-event to the GSLEP SC meeting, on Thursday October 21st, 2021. This will allow us to come together as a Network and join the GSLEP forum, to officially launch Snow Leopard NEWS. We hope this key initiative will allow for greater sharing of knowledge, opportunity for collaboration between members, and feed into stronger and more effective snow leopard conservation efforts in the field.
Opening the pre-event our SLN Steering Committee Chair – Dr. Sandro Lovari – will give a brief introduction to Snow Leopard NEWS and highlight the thinking behind the first Edition. The Editors and members of the Editorial Board will also be present to share what they see as the initiative’s potential. During the discussion period, we hope to hear from you, in terms of how Snow Leopard NEWS can support practitioners and researchers across the range.
Please do join us on October 21st, 2021 (a day before the SC Meeting), to catalyze energy and ideas towards snow leopard conservation at this important annual gathering. We very much appreciate the GSLEP Secretariat for hosting this event on their platform.
When: 14:00 Bishkek time; Thursday October 21st, 2021
More about Snow Leopard NEWS: SLN is excited to announce an annual ‘open-access’ newsletter entitled ‘Snow Leopard NEWS’. Through a series of short notes and research contributions, the aim of the newsletter is to collate and make available the latest information on snow leopard ecology and conservation. Its ambit includes not only the snow leopard, but also its prey and carnivores that share the landscape with this majestic cat. Snow Leopard NEWS is also committed to featuring innovative conservation practices and policies which address threats impacting snow leopard habitats. Snow Leopard NEWS is especially committed to showcasing work that is undertaken by conservation practitioners at different levels across the snow leopard landscapes.
To Attend: the SLN pre–event will take place on Zoom. Please register for the event through the following link.
Nb: If you are a participant of the GSLEP Steering Committee meeting you will also be able to access the event directly through the Attendify platform.