The Snow Leopard Network is pleased to announce a continuation of our series entitled “Snow Leopard Conversations”. This series aims to showcase the latest science and research related to snow leopards. We invite you to meet authors of new publications uploaded to the Snow Leopard Bibliography. These conversations are aimed to cover unexplored themes and emphasises interdisciplinary approaches. We hope to promote more such talks and discussions in future.
For this Snow Leopard Conversation we are delighted to welcome Dr. Orjan Johannson. Orjan will present the recent paper entitled “The timing of breeding and independence for snow leopard females and their cubs.” Our SLN Committee Member – Dr. Sandro Lovari – will facilitate the session.
URL: https://snowleopardnetwork
Wednesday, November 25th 2020; 11:00am Italy Central Europe Time
Register to attend through the following link:
- If you have never used Zoom before, we recommend that you try the link 10 minutes before the start of the lecture.
- During the talk, please keep your microphone muted.
- Please feel free to write questions in the comment area and there will be time for questions/discussion at the end of the talk.
- The Zoom event is limited to 100 participants. Please register for the event and also sign in early to ensure your place.