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Ahmad, A. Environmental impact assessment in the Himalayas: An ecosystem approach 1993 Ambio 22 4-9 details   url
Blomqvist, L. The snow leopard, Panthera uncia, in captivity during the last 30 years (1961-1991) 1993 24-37 details   url
Chundawat, R.S. Studies on Snow Leopard and Prey Species in Hemis National Park 1993 xi details   url
Desch, C. A new species of hair follicle mite (Acari: Demodecidae) from the snow leopard, Panthera uncia (Schreber, 1775) (Felidae) 1993 International Journal of Acarology 19 63-67 details   url
Gruisen, J.V. Interaction Between Wild Dogs and Snow Leopards in Ladakh 1993 xi 8 details   url
Heinen, J.T.; Leisure, B. A new look at Himalayan Fur Trade 1993 Oryx 27 231-238 details  
Hochstrasser, K.; Wachter, E.; Reisinger, P.W.; Greim, M.; Albrecht, G.J.; Gebhard, W. Amino acid sequences of mammalian kazal-type proteinase inhibitors from salivary glands 1993 Comp Biochem Physiol B 106 103-108 details   url
International Snow Leopard Trust First SLIMS Workshop Held in China 1993 Snowline xi 9 details   url
Lu, J. Leopard Bone and Confusing Preliminary Product Identification 1993 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 546-547 details   url
Mallon, D. Snow Leopard in Kanji Wildlife Reserve, Ladakh 1993 xi details   url
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