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Jackson, R. (1987). Snow Cats of Nepal's Langue Gorge. Animal Kingdom, 4, 44–53.
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Jackson, R. (1992). SSC Plan for Snow Leopard.
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Jackson, R., & Ahlborn, G. (1989). Snow leopards (Panthera- uncia) in Nepal – home range and movements. National Geographic Research, 5(2), 161–175.
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Jackson, R., & Fox, J. L. (1997). Snow Leopard Conservation: Accomplishments and Research Priorities. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 128–144). Pakistan: Islt.
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Jackson, R. M. (1996). Home Range, Movements and Habitat use of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in Nepal. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, University of London.
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Jackson, R. M., & Ahlborn, G. (1988). Observations on the Ecology of Snow Leopard in West Nepal. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 65–87). India: Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
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Johansson, O., Rauset, G. R., Samelius, G., McCarthy, T., Andren, H., Tumursukh, L., Mishra, C. (2016). Land sharing is essential for snow leopard conservation. Biological Conservation, (203), 1–7.
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Koshkarev, E. (1996). The snow leopard in its northeastern range. Cat News, 25, 10.
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McCarthy, T., Fuller, T., & Munkhtsog, B. (2005). Movements and activities of snow leopards in Southwestern Mongolia (Vol. 124).
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McCarthy, T., Murray, K., Sharma, K., & Johansson, O. (2010). Preliminary results of a long-term study of snow leopards in South Gobi, Mongolia. Cat News, Autumn(53), 15–19.
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