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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Abdunazarov B.B. Composition, structure and population of rare terrene vertebrate animals and their conservation perspectives in the nature reserves of Uzbekistan 1990 182-184
Abdunazarov, B.B. Composition and numbers of the rare terrestrial vertebrates and prospects of their preservation in Uzbekistan. Nature reserves in the USSR: Their present and future 1990
Ahmad, A.; Rawat, J.S.; Rai, S.C. An Analysis of the Himalayan Environment and Guidelines for its Management and Ecologically Sustainable Development 1990 Environmentalist 10 281-298
Ali, S.M. The Cats of India 1990 Myforest 26 275-291
Andrienkov V.I. The Besh Aral nature reserve 1990 335
Annenkov, B.P. The Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in the Dzungarsky Alatau 1990 21-24
Anonymous In Mongolia, Taking Stock of Rare Animals 1990
Aripjanov M.P. Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan 1990 80-81
Bacha, M.S. Snow leopard recovery program for Kishtwar High Altitude National Park Jammu and Kashmir State 1986-7 to 1989-90 1990 1-58
Bajimaya, S.; Baral N.; Yadav L.B. Report on Overall Assessment of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve 1990