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Klubnikin, K., Annett, C., Cherkasova, M., Shishin, M., & Fotieva, I. (2000). The sacred and the scientific: Traditional ecological knowledge in Siberian River conservation. Ecological-Applications., 10(5), 1296–1306.
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Kydyraliev A.K. (1970). Some animal species' habitat alteration in the Central Tien Shan (Vol. Part 1.).
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Lkhagvajav, P., Alexander, J. S., Byambasuren, C., Johansson, O., Sharma, K., Mishra, C., Samelius, G. (2024). Snow leopards and water: high waterhole visitation rate by a breeding female in summer. SL Reports, 3, 41–45.
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Nyam, E., Alexander, J. S., Byambasuren, C., Johansson, O., Samelius, G., Lkhagvajav, P. (2024). Snow leopard digging for water in an arid environment. SL Reports, 3, 37–40.
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