Bogdanov O.P. (1961). Snow leopard (Felis uncia).
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, this species is distributed in spurs of Tien Shan and Gissar. It preys on ibex, rarer on argalis, roe-deers, young wild boars. In winter, it attacks livestock and sometimes feeds upon marmots and smaller rodents. Snow leopard attacks man very rarely, only when wounded. The economic significance of this species is low, since only few skins are traded. Its dressed skins are used as rugs.
Geptner V.G. (1972). Genus snow leopard or irbis (Vol. Vol. 2, Part 2.).
Abstract: It describes genus and species features of snow leopard such as appearance, skull, sizes, phylogenetic links, distribution, geographic variability, biology including number, habitat, refuges, activity in daylight and night, behavioral patterns, reproduction, enemies and rivals, and practical use of the species.
Ishunin G.I. (1961). Irbis, or snow leopard Felis (Uncia) uncia S¤hr†b†a 1778 (Vol. Vol. 3.).
Abstract: It describes diagnostic signs and taxonomy of snow leopard as well as its distribution, behavioral patterns and use in Uzbekistan. This predator inhabits the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Turkistan, and Gissar ridges. It mainly preys on ibex, and marmots, vole-mouse, and snow-cocks. Sometimes it attacks domestic sheep. Snow leopard is of low commercial value. The cost of skin is 4 roubles 70 kopecks. Only a few skins are purchased.
Ishunin G.I. (1980). Snow leopard.
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, snow leopard is preserved along the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Tirkestan, and Hissar ridges. Ibex is a main prey of the predator. It also preys on argali, wild boar, hares, roe-deers, rodents, kekliks (partridge), and rarely livestock. Catching the animals in the country is limited and exercised under special permissions.
Kaletskiy A.A. (1974). May-“traven”.
Abstract: Diverse flora and fauna and seasonal phenomena in nature are stated in a popular form. Snow leopard is noticed to be a rare species, its population being significantly influenced by catching for zoos: over 400 snow leopards have been caught for this purpose over the last 35 years.
Kolosov A.M. (1979). Genus Snow leopards Uncia.
Abstract: It provides description of appearance, distribution, behavioral patterns, and use of snow leopard in the USSR. The predator inhabits the mountains of Central Asia, east of the Amudarya river, along the ridges of Djungar Ala-Tau and Tarbagatai, South Altai, West and East Sayans. Its main food is ungulates, though it also preys on snow-cocks, marmots, small birds, and rodents. Sometimes attacks sheep. It has no enemy other than wolf; its diseases are not studied. Snow leopard is not dangerous for man. The fur-skin is used for making rugs and fur. Less than 1,000 animals are hunted globally. Before 1960, in the USSR less than 120 skins were annually purchased. Its total population is several thousand animals.
Meklenburtsev R.N. (1949). About ecology of ibex in Pamir (Vol. Vol. 28, edition 5.).
Abstract: Ibex is distributed all over the Pamir mountains, inhabiting rocks and canyons and ascending up to 5,500 m above sea level. In summer, ibex mostly feeds upon sedge and cereals, in winter wormwood. It keeps in herds containing 15 to 30 animals. The coupling period is December; kids being born at the beginning of June. The most dangerous predators are snow leopard and wolf. Ibex is a main commercial game species.
Novikov G.A. (1956). Sub-genus UNCIA Gray.
Abstract: Identification features of the sub-genus Uncia (colour; length of body and tail; shoulder height, and skull measurements) are given. Distribution, habitat, way of life, reproduction biology, behavioural patterns, migration routes, commercial value of snow leopard in the USSR is described.
Sapojnikov G.N. (1984). Distribution and number of several endangered mammals and birds of Tajikistan.
Abstract: Many years' data connected with the distribution and number of endangered species of animals as dhole (Cuon alpinus Pall), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena L.), snow leopard (Uncia uncia Shreb.) and birds of Tajikistan are given. Area of snow leopard includes the most of mountain ridges in this country. The total number is evaluated about 160-200 individuals. The record quantity of legal harvested skins of snow leopard is 64 in 1946.
Sokov A.I. (1986). Environmental prerequisites for protection and sustainable use of predatory mammals in Tajikistan (Vol. Vol. 3.).
Abstract: In Tajikistan it is necessary to preserve big predators listed in the Red Book, such as Uncia uncia, Ursus arctos isabellinus, Hyaena hyaena, Felis lynx isabellina, Panthera pardus ciscaucasica. An anthropogenic influence has resulted in the species' habitat shrinkage, deficit of food, disturbance of trophic interactions. It is necessary to restore a tiger population in the Tigrovaya Balka nature reserve, and resolve the issue of protection and sustainable use of commercial predatory species.