(1978). Rare Animals and their Protection in the USSR.
Abstract: It described categories of threat (Category A and Category B). Snow leopard was assessed under Category A the species whose numbers and habitats have sharply diminished and are continuing to diminish as a consequence of direct persecution, destruction of their habitat or other causes. The snow leopard (Pardus uncia) inhabits the mountains of the Tien Shan range, Tarbagatai, Saur, Altai and the Sayans. Exploitation of mountain areas and depletion of stocks of wild ungulates (Siberian mountain goats and wild sheep) have led to a sharp reduction in the number of snow leopards. It is estimated that today only about one thousand leopards are left, and they have accordingly been placed under complete protection. Hunting and selective shooting are everywhere prohibited. Catching leopards is regulated by the articles of the international convention restricting trade in rare species of plants and animals.
Akimushkin I. (1988). Snow leopard or irbis.
Abstract: Snow leopard behavioral patterns, food preferences, and reproduction are described in a popular way. The population of snow leopard is defined to be 1,000 animals. A reason for the population decline is hunting for the sake of beautiful fur.
Bannikov A.G. (1973). Snow leopard (irbis). Felis uncia.
Abstract: Irbis is distributed in highlands of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Altai. It preys mainly on wild sheep and ibex, marmots, pica, snow-cock, rarer other ungulates, rodents and birds. Sometimes it attacks domestic sheep. At the beginning of spring this species is on heat, gestation period being 90 100 days. Female bears two three (to five) cubs. The litter splits in one year. The animal sheds hair twice a year. It has a low population and therefore hunting for snow leopard is prohibited.
Chalise, M. K. (2011). Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia), Prey Species and Outreach in Langtang National, Park, Nepal. Our Nature, (9), 138–145.
Abstract: Presence of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) in Langtang National Park was obscure till 2003. It was confirmed by a
research team trained for the wildlife biology in the field. Along with the study of ecology and behavior of snow leopard sufficient effort were made to generate data on pre species. The study also dealt with threat perceived for the leopard survival while basic unit of conservation- local outreach programs were also initiated.
Dementiev G.P. (1969). Mammals.
Abstract: It provides a list and discusses a status of rare and endangered predators and ungulates in the USSR (24 species in total). Snow leopard inhabits the mountain ridges of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, in the Altai and Tuva. The habitat of snow leopard had not changed significantly since recently, though its population had been reducing (according to materials of the year 1967). Such reduction of its population is because of the common assumption of its harmfulness and high demand for its fur-skin and high prices that zoos would readily pay for the animals.
Dyikanova, C. (2004). A public awareness outreach programme on Snow Leopards for the Kyrgyz Republic, Final Report.
Abstract: The principle goal of the project was to raise awareness of local people, staff of frontier posts,
customs and foreign military base on snow leopard, and its conservation. In the framework of the
project the following steps were to be executed:
A) To disseminate printing materials: a booklet, poster, card and calendar.
b) To publish articles on snow leopard ecology and conservation issues and threats in
Kyrgyzstan regional newspapers (Issyk-Kul, Osh, and Chui areas)
C) To hold follow-up meeting with target groups
D) To evaluate project results
Esipov A.V. (1985). Measure for snow leopard protection in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, snow leopard (Uncia uncia Schreber, 1776) is met in the mountain ridges of Tien Shan (Karjantau, Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, and possibly Kurama ridges) and Alay (Turkistan, Zaravshan, Gissar, and Baisuntau ridges). There are about 50 snow leopards there. They are observed to decrease in number for the reasons as follows: extensive use of alpine pastures, tourist activity and poaching. Irbis is under protection in the Chatkal, Zaamin, and Gissar nature reserves and Zaamin people's park. An additional measure to be taken to protect this species is to expand the area of the Chatkal nature reserve, to better fight against poaching activity and advocate snow leopard protection in mass media.
Esipov A.V. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: There are two isolated snow leopard populations in Uzbekistan, both of which are located along the fringe of the species' distribution. These groups are the Pamir-Alai and the Tien-Shan, of which are united to snow leopard range in neighboring Tadjikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Apart from animals inhabiting the Hissar Nature Reserve, the Pamir-Alai population consists of animals inhabiting the upper portion of the Tupalang River basin and the mountains around Baisuntau. This population is currently estimated at about 30 individuals, from which as many as 10 individuals are reported to be killed or captured annually. However, we suspect the loss rate is more like five to eight individuals, with the entire Pamir-Alai group in Uzbekistan numbering 22 – 25 animals. The Tien-Shan snow leopard sub-population group of Uzbekistan occupies the high-mountain portions of practically all of the large ridges in the area, including Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam and Talass Alatau. The number of snow leopards harvested from this sub-population appears to be five or seven individuals, with the total number placed at 27-32 individuals. The major factors restricting snow leopard numbers in Uzbekistan appears to be poaching of both snow leopard and its large prey species like ibex, as well as disturbance associated with the intensive development of the alpine lands for pasturing livestock. In order to preserve the snow leopard in Uzbekistan it will be necessary to control and eliminate poaching. Additional habitat could be provided by expanding the Chatkal Nature Reserve by adding lands in the Shavassai River basin as well as Akbulak River basin.
Esipov A.V. (2000). Current state of snow leopard and its main preys in Hissar nature reserve.
Abstract: An expert evaluation of the numbers of snow leopard and its preys, Siberian ibex and long-tailed marmot, was made on the basis of surveys conducted in Hissar nature reserve in 1999. The total number of the snow leopard is estimated at 12-16 individuals, whereas that of the Siberian ibex at 1000 individuals. An average density of the population of the long tailed marmot ranges at 4,8 individuals per ha. The ratio of the numbers between the snow leopard, Siberian ibex and long tailed marmot is 1:68:450. The major threats for the snow leopard are poaching on the borders of the nature reserve, a decrease in of preys, shrinking of the range in areas adjoining the nature reserve as a result of intensification of industrial activities and disturbing factors. For the Siberian ibex and long tailed marmot the major limiting factors are the shrinking of the areas and deterioration of the forage value of the high-mountain pastures, as well as the direct competition for forage with domestic animals at the sites adjoining the territory of the nature, as well as disturbing factors.
Esipov A.V. (2003). Snow Leopard (Irbis) (Vol. Vol. II. Animals.).
Abstract: Critically Endangered l (CR C2a(i); D), locally distributed western subspecies of Central Asian species. It occurs in Western Tien Shan and Western Pamir Alay. It inhabits middle and high belts of the mountains. It prefers watersheds and rocky talus slopes. It never was numerous; last decades the numbers have been decreasing. In 1980's-1990's in Hissar nature reserve 5-11 individuals were counted, in 1970's-1980's in Chatkal nature reserve the 1-3 specimens were observed. Perhaps, total number is 20-30 individuals. The threats are development of high mountain pastures, decreasing of prey numbers, human persecution and poaching. Included in the IUCN Red List [EN] and in Appendix I of CITES.