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(1998). Biological diversity conservation. National strategy and action plan of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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Burgener, N., Gusset, M., & Schmid, H. (2008). Frustrated appetitive foraging behavior, stereotypic pacing, and fecal glucocorticoid levels in snow leopards (Uncia uncia) in the Zurich Zoo (Vol. 11).
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Dexel, B. (2002). Snow Leopard Conservation In Kyrgyzstan: Enforcement, Education and Research Activities By the German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU).. Islt: Islt.
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Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Ghale, T. R., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Waltert, M., Khorozyan, I. (2022). Blue sheep strongly affect snow leopard relative abundance but not livestock depredation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation, 37(e02153), 1–15.
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Han, X. M., D. G., Zhang, E., Jones, M., and Jin, T.. (2001). Far eastern leopard and Siberian tiger conservation measures. (pp. 102–103). Harbin: Widlife Conservation Society.
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International Snow Leopard Trust. (2002). Snow Leopard News, Spring 2002. Seattle, Washington: Islt.
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Jackson, R., & Wangchuk, R. (2004). A Community-Based Approach to Mitigating Livestock Depredation by Snow Leopards (Vol. 9).
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Koshkarev, E. (2002). Strategy of Snow Leopard Conservation in Russia (and in Boundary Territories of Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan).. Islt: Islt.
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Kreuzberg-Mukhina, E., Esipov A.V., Bykova, E. A., Vashetko, E. V., & Aromov, B. (2003). Development of the national Action Plan for the conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan. Report: 1-51 (Vol. 1-51). Uzbekistan.
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LI. J, W. A. N. G. D., YIN. H, ZHAXI. D, JIAGONG. Z, SCHALLER. G. B, MISHRA. C, MCCARTHY. T. M, WANG. H, WU. L, XIAO. L, BASANG. L, ZHANG. Y, ZHOU. Y, LU. Z. (2013). Role of Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Snow Leopard Conservation. Conservation Biology, 00, 1–8.
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