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Adil, A. (1997). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Afghanistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 35–38). Lahore, Pakistan: International Snow Leopard Trust.
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Ahlborn, G., & Jackson, R. M. (1988). Marking in Free-Ranging Snow Leopards in West Nepal: A preliminary assesment. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 25–49). India: Snow Leopard Trust and the Wildlife Institute of India.
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Ahmad, A. (1994). Protection of Snow Leopards through Grazier Communities:Some Examples from WWF-Pakistan's Projects in the Northern Areas. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 265–272). Usa: International Snow Leopard Trust.
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Aizin B.M. (1985). Snow leopard.
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Ale S. (2005). Have snow leopards made a comeback to the Everest region of Nepal?.
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Andriuskevicius, A. (1980). Occurrance of Snow Leopards in the Soviet Union. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, 2, 59–69.
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Annenkov, B. P. (1990). The Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in the Dzungarsky Alatau. (pp. 21–24).
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Anonymous. Central Asian Republic Snow Leopard Specialists Plan Joint Conservation Strategy.
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Anonymous. (1994). Resolutions Conservation of Snow Leopard, Seventh International Snow Leopard Symposium. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 329–331). Usa: Islt.
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Anonymous. (1999). Livestock Predation Control Workshop.
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