Bhatia, S., Suryawanshi, K., Redpath, S. M., Mishra, C. (2020). Understanding people's responses toward predators in the Indian Himalaya. Animal Conservation, , 1–8.
Abstract: Research on human–wildlife interactions has largely focused on the magnitude of wildlife‐caused damage, and the patterns and correlates of human attitudes and behaviors. We assessed the role of five pathways through which various correlates potentially influence human responses toward wild animals, namely, value orientation, social interactions (i.e. social cohesion and support), dependence on resources such as agriculture and livestock, risk perception and nature of interaction with the wild animal. We specifically evaluated their influence on people's responses toward two large carnivores, the snow leopard Panthera uncia and the wolf Canis lupus in an agropastoral landscape in the Indian Trans‐Himalaya. We found that the nature of the interaction (location, impact and length of time since an encounter or depredation event), and risk perception (cognitive and affective evaluation of the threat posed by the animal) had a significant influence on attitudes and behaviors toward the snow leopard. For wolves, risk perception and social interactions (the relationship of people with local institutions and inter‐community dynamics) were significant. Our findings underscore the importance of interventions that reduce people's threat perceptions from carnivores, improve their connection with nature and strengthen the conservation capacity of local institutions especially in the context of wolves.
Ferretti, F., Lovari, S., Minder, I., Pellizzi, B. (2014). Recovery of the snow leopard in Sagarmatha (Mt.Everest) National Park: effects on main prey. European Journal of Wildlife Research, (60), 559–562.
Abstract: Consequences of predation may be particularly
heavy on small populations of herbivores, especially if they
are threatened with extinction. Over the 2006–2010 period, we
documented the effects of the spontaneous return of the endangered
snow leopard on the population of the vulnerable
Himalayan tahr. The study area was an area of central
Himalaya where this cat disappeared c. 40 years before, because
of persecution by man. Snow leopards occurred mainly
in areas close to the core area of tahr distribution. Tahr was the
staple (56.3 %) of snow leopards. After the arrival of this cat,
tahr decreased by more than 2/3 from 2003 to 2010 (mainly
through predation on kids). Subsequently, the density of snow
leopards decreased by 60%from2007 to 2010. The main prey
of snow leopards in Asia (bharal, marmots) were absent in our
study area, forcing snow leopards to specialize on tahr. The
restoration of a complete prey spectrum should be favoured
through reintroductions, to conserve large carnivores and to
reduce exploitation of small populations of herbivores, especially
if threatened.
Fox, J. L. (1997). Conflict between predators and people in Ladakh. Cat News, 17, 18.
Abstract: During a six-week period in Hemis National Park, Ladakh, India, snow leopards killed 10 sheep and goats and one leopard gained access to a livestock pen and killed many of the animals inside. Dholes also killed sheep and goats, and a wolf killed a young horse. Residents routinely remove snow leopard cubs from their dens to limit future damage by this species. How to deal with the plight of the people living in the area while still protecting the endangered species are major concerns of the International Snow Leopard Trust, which manages Hemis National Park. lgh.
Guerrero, D. (1998). Animal behavior concerns & solutions: snow leopard (Uncia uncia) evaluation, zoo. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 25(2), 56–58.
Abstract: The author offers advice on how a captive-raised snow leopard cub could be acclimated to humans so it could be used as a zoo “ambassador”. The cub had negative experiences with humans and lacked socialization with other animals and conspecifics. Methods of avoiding and redirecting the cub's aggressive behavior are suggested. lgh.
Jackson, P. (1998). Villagers save predatory snow leopard. Cat News, 28, 12.
Abstract: A short report is presented on the capture and relocation of a snow leopard in northern Pakistan. Villagers discovered the leopard attacking their goats and captured it. WWF-Gilgit relocated the leopard to a remote area. slj.
Jackson, R. M., Ahlborn, G., Gurung, M., & Ale, S. (1996). Reducing livestock depredation losses in the Nepalese Himalaya. Proc.Vertebr.Pest Conf, 17, 241–247.
Abstract: The authors investigated livestock depredation patterns of snow leopards on the northern slopes of the Himalayans near the villages of Manang and Khangshar, Nepal. Information is discussed on the relationships among livestock loss, endangered species management, public relations/conservation issues, and cooperative efforts among institutions involved in the decision making process. A plan is devised for alleviating livestock loss and protecting endangered species in the area. pcp
Pahuja, M., Sharma, R. K. (2021). Wild Predators, Livestock, and Free Ranging Dogs: Patterns of Livestock Mortality and Attitudes of People Toward Predators in an Urbanizing Trans-Himalayan Landscape. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2(109), 1–13.
Abstract: Livestock depredation by large carnivores is a significant source of conflicts over predators and an important conservation and economic concern. Preventing livestock loss to wild predators is a substantial focus of human-carnivore conflict mitigation programs. A key assumption of the preventive strategy is reduction in the livestock losses leading to a positive shift in the attitudes toward predators. Therefore, it is important to quantify the true extent of livestock mortality caused by wild predators and its influence on attitudes of the affected communities. We examined seasonal and spatial patterns of livestock mortality and factors influencing people’s attitudes toward wild predators i.e., snow leopards (Panthera uncia) and wolves (Canis lupus chanco) and free-ranging dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in a Trans-Himalayan urbanizing landscape in India. We used systematic sampling to select the survey households and implemented a semi- structured questionnaire to respondents. The sampled villages (n = 16) represent a mosaic of urban and agricultural ecosystems within a radius of 40 km of Leh town. In 2016–2017, 93% of the sampled households lost livestock to predators, accounting for 0.93 animals per household per year. However, of the total events of livestock mortality, 33% were because of weather/natural events, 24% by snow leopards, 20% because of disease, 15% because of free-ranging dogs and 9% because of wolves. The annual economic loss per household because of livestock mortality was USD 371, a substantial loss given the average per capita income of USD 270 in the region. Of the total loss, weather/natural events caused highest loss of USD 131 (35%), followed by snow leopards USD 91 (25%), disease USD 87 (24%), free ranging dogs USD 48 (13%), and wolves USD 14 (4%). Despite losing a considerable proportion of livestock (33 %) to wild predators, respondents showed a positive attitude toward them but exhibited neutral attitudes toward free-ranging dogs. Gender emerged as the most important determinant of attitudes toward wild predators, with men showing higher positive attitude score toward wild predators than women. Our findings highlight the context specific variation in human-wildlife interactions and emphasize that generalizations must be avoided in the absence of site specific evidence.
Rana, B. S. (1997). Distinguishing kills of two large mammalian predators in Spiti Valley Himachal Pradesh. J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc, 94(3), 553.
Abstract: The author studied livestock killed by predators in the Spiti Valley, India, to determine what species had killed yaks, horses, donkeys, and other domestic animals. Eleven of the kills examined were made by snow leopards and six by the Tibetan wolf. Wolves were involved in surplus killings, while snow leopards kill as food is needed. lgh
Reed-Smith, J., & Kumpf, M. (1998). Snow leopards (Uncia uncia): family group management alternatives. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 25(10), 386–391.
Abstract: The authors offer insights into creating family groups of snow leopards in zoos. The programs at the Denver Zoo, Denver, Colorado, and at John Ball Zoological Gardens, Grand Rapids, Michigan, are highlighted. lgh.