Aizin B.M. (1985). Snow leopard.
Abstract: Snow leopard is a rare and endangered species, distributed in all mountain ridges of Kyrgyzstan. Its population is 1,400 animals, density being 0.2 0.5 animal per 1,000 ha. Its population was noticed to decrease in some ridges because of decreasing populations of mountain ungulates. 200 snow leopards were caught for the purpose of zoo-export over the last 20 years. This species is protected in the nature reserves Sary Chelek, Besh Aral, and natural park Ala Archa.
Esipov A.V. (1985). Measure for snow leopard protection in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, snow leopard (Uncia uncia Schreber, 1776) is met in the mountain ridges of Tien Shan (Karjantau, Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, and possibly Kurama ridges) and Alay (Turkistan, Zaravshan, Gissar, and Baisuntau ridges). There are about 50 snow leopards there. They are observed to decrease in number for the reasons as follows: extensive use of alpine pastures, tourist activity and poaching. Irbis is under protection in the Chatkal, Zaamin, and Gissar nature reserves and Zaamin people's park. An additional measure to be taken to protect this species is to expand the area of the Chatkal nature reserve, to better fight against poaching activity and advocate snow leopard protection in mass media.
Esipov V.M. (1990). Chatkal biosphere nature reserve. Buffer zones needed badly (Vol. Vol.1.).
Abstract: Briefly presented is history of the Chatkal nature reserve's establishment, protected flora and fauna, and intense economic activity impact on wildlife of the protected area.
Golub O.N. (1983). Perspective protection of rare mammal species in the nature reserves of Tajikistan.
Abstract: In winter, some seven to 14 snow leopards come into the nature reserve “Ramit” when chasing ibex within their winter habitats. The nature reserve is yet the only remaining place for ibexes to winter in eastern part of the Gissar ridge. Some 150 200 ibexes winter in the nature reserve. The nature reserve should be extended towards highlands in order to protect snow leopards.
Heiz A.V. (1983). Snow leopard in Kyrgyzstan and its protection (Vol. 3).
Abstract: In the year 1970, the quantity of snow leopards in Kyrgyzstan was defined as 1,300 animals, while in the years to follow 1,600 animals were recorded. A snow leopard population has significantly decreased since recently because of intense extermination of snow leopard's prey ungulates, particularly ibex. In some areas of the Kyrgyz ridge livestock is growing in number thus affecting snow leopard population. It is extremely rare that snow leopard would attack livestock. Snow leopards can be caught under special license. Educational and awareness work among shepherds and hunters residing in the mountainous area of the country needs to be improved.
Ishunin G.I. (1979). Protected areas and waters of Uzbekistan.
Abstract: In Uzbekistan, there is a network of protected areas of land and water, consisting of 11 nature reserves (163,780 ha) and nine sanctuaries (217,837 ha). Five or six new protected natural areas with a total area of 220,000 250,000 ha are recommended to be established. The further development of the network will help preserve typical natural complexes, having scientific, practical and cultural value. When selecting an area for protection it is needed to cover overall diversity of natural landscapes including relief, soils, waters, vegetation and animals. Snow leopard is protected in the Chatkal, Zaamin, Kizilsu, and Miraka nature reserves.
Kovshar A.F. (2001). About the necessity to alter the border of Aksu Jabagly nature reserve (Vol. Vol. 8.).
Abstract: An extension of the Aksu Jabagly nature reserve is suggested in order to improve effectiveness of rare and endemic species conservation in the West Tien Shan. The existing area of the nature reserve is large enough for conservation and reproduction of most of the large mammal species such as ibex, bear, wild boar, snow leopard; the area is however insufficient for species such as Tien Shan argali, roe-deer, whose seasonal migrations extend beyond the area of the nature reserve, as well as Menzbier's marmot a rare endemic to the West Tien Shan, whose habitat is situated 10 15 km from the nature reserve.
Pokrovskiy V.S. (1969). Mammals.
Abstract: The work presents a preliminary list of rare and endangered predatory and ungulate species. Snow leopard inhabits the mountain ridges of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and sometimes is met in the Altai and Tuva. Despite its habitat has not changed since recently, number of snow leopard is decreasing. Snow leopard population is reducing because this species is believed to be dangerous, as its skin is of high and sustainable demand, and because of high prices zoos will readily pay to buy snow leopards. Shepherds, local hunters and geologists hunt snow leopard.
Pokrovskiy V.S. (1976). Snow leopard, or irbis.
Abstract: It considers biology of snow leopard, provides data concerning its number and distribution, and shows environment correlation of the predator. Besides, it describes the ways of catching snow leopards, and conditions under which it can be kept in enclosures. Precise recommendations for the species protection are given.
Sokolov V.E. (1986). Snow leopard.
Abstract: Snow leopard is an endangered species. Its number is steadily decreasing. In the USSR, snow leopard is distributed in the mountains of Central Asia: Pamir, Tien Shan, Djungar Ala-Tau, Tarbagatai, Saur. It is also met at altitudes ranging from 1,800 3,500 m above sea level. A total number of snow leopard in the USSR does not exceed 1,000 animals; according to other data 2,000 animals. A decreasing number of snow leopard and its habitat shrinkage is directly related to human's pursuing snow leopards (in the USSR snow leopard was for a long time being considered as a species causing damage to livestock so authorities gave premiums for catching/shooting snow leopards) and reduction of ungulate population. Snow leopards are now protected in mountain nature reserves of the USSR: Chatkal, Aksu-Djabagly, Ramit, Besh-Aral, Sary-Chelek, and Alma-Ata.