Ishunin G.I. (1961). Irbis, or snow leopard Felis (Uncia) uncia S¤hr†b†a 1778 (Vol. Vol. 3.).
Abstract: It describes diagnostic signs and taxonomy of snow leopard as well as its distribution, behavioral patterns and use in Uzbekistan. This predator inhabits the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Turkistan, and Gissar ridges. It mainly preys on ibex, and marmots, vole-mouse, and snow-cocks. Sometimes it attacks domestic sheep. Snow leopard is of low commercial value. The cost of skin is 4 roubles 70 kopecks. Only a few skins are purchased.
Kolosov A.M. (1979). Genus Snow leopards Uncia.
Abstract: It provides description of appearance, distribution, behavioral patterns, and use of snow leopard in the USSR. The predator inhabits the mountains of Central Asia, east of the Amudarya river, along the ridges of Djungar Ala-Tau and Tarbagatai, South Altai, West and East Sayans. Its main food is ungulates, though it also preys on snow-cocks, marmots, small birds, and rodents. Sometimes attacks sheep. It has no enemy other than wolf; its diseases are not studied. Snow leopard is not dangerous for man. The fur-skin is used for making rugs and fur. Less than 1,000 animals are hunted globally. Before 1960, in the USSR less than 120 skins were annually purchased. Its total population is several thousand animals.
Yanushevich A.I. (1972). Mammals of Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: A description of snow leopard, its taxonomy, distribution, habitat, number, behavior, food, reproduction, parasites, infections, and practical importance is given. In Kyrgyzstan, irbis was found in the Chatkal, Kyrgyz, Talas ridges, and Terskei Alatoo. An official annual snow leopard hunting rate ranged from 10 (1955) to 54 skins (in 1936) in 1930-s through 1950-s. 17 snow leopards were caught for the purpose of zoo-export only in 1965-1966. Its skin has no special value and is used by local people for decoration of dwellings and making collars.
Zhirnov L.V. (1978). Rare and endangered species of the USSR.
Abstract: A description of snow leopard number, distribution, reproductive biology, death reasons, and conservation measures in the USSR, where northern and north-western border of its habitat runs, is given. The population of snow leopard in the USSR is 500 1,000 animals. In the Inner Tien Shan, 400 snow leopards were caught 1936 through 1970. The maximum of 120 skins was purchased in Pamir in 1956 1958. Population of snow leopard directly correlates with population of ibex, a fact being verified by data collected on a long-term basis. Moreover, snow leopard was for a long time considered as a harmful animal, shooting of which was encouraged by premiums and resulted in reduction of snow leopard population.