Aromov B. (1982). Materials on background animals of the Kyzylsu nature reserve.
Abstract: Given are data concerning mammals in the Kyzylsu mountain juniperous nature reserve (north-west extremities of the Hissar ridge) in Uzbekistan 1979 through 1981. It describes habitats and provides data on rare and endangered species populations such as Tien-Shan brown bear, Turkistan lynx, snow leopard, Central Asian otter, golden eagle, bearded vulture, Himalayan vulture; and game species such as long-tailed marmot, porcupine, badger, Siberian ibex, Himalayan snow-cock, chukar, etc.
Devyatkin G.V. (1999). Snow leopard (Uncia uncia Schr.) in the Altai-Sayans ecologic region.
Abstract: Though snow leopard is widely distributed in the Altai-Sayans ecologic region (the Krasnoyarsk region, Khakasia, Tuva, the Altai), it is still a rare and understudied species. Its total population in Khakasia is 10-12 animals, in the Altai 60-70 animals.
Mitropolskiy O.V. (1979). The Red Book of the USSR (Rare and endangered bird and animal species in Uzbekistan).
Abstract: Snow leopard is distributed in the Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal, Fergana, Alai, Turkistan, and Hissar ridges. Though there is no precise data concerning number of snow leopard in Uzbekistan it is estimated to range from 15-20 to 50 animals.
Poyarkov A.D. (1999). Irbis in south-western Tuva.
Abstract: In 1998, under the WWF Altai-Sayans ecoregion conservation program, traces of snow leopard were detected in the ridges of Tsaran-Shibetu and Shipshal. The density of vital activity traces is comparable with those in northern Mongolia.
Zhiryakov V.A. (1986). Snow leopard in the Almaty nature reserve. Short messages about snow leopards.
Abstract: Snow leopard is a common species for the Almaty nature reserve due to numerous wild ungulates, particularly ibexes (about 600 ibexes at a density of 32 animals per 1,000 ha) inhabiting the area. According to the data of 1982 there were 0.5 footprints of snow leopard per 10 km of transect. The remains of ibex, roe deer, squirrel, gray vole mouse and birds were found in faeces of snow leopards. Snow leopard attacks their prey unexpectedly, being in wait for it in such places where prey is difficult to escape from. When hunt is successful the prey is killed almost instantly. Snow leopard feeds upon the same prey for several days.
Zhiryakov V.A. (1990). The Almaty nature reserve.
Abstract: It provides general information about the Almatya nature reserve (Kazakhstan), its physico-geographical features and description of flora and fauna. Snow leopard inhabits alpine zone and goes down as low as forest-meadow zone following ibex in winter. There are two or three families of snow leopard in the nature reserve. The population of ibex is 600 700 animals.