Abdunazarov B.B. (2002). Biodiversity of mammals in the Western Tien Shan and its conservation.
Abstract: The mammal fauna of Uzbekistan's mountain ecosystems is represented by some 60 species. Data on mammal species composition in the Western Tien Shan (48 species) and Pamir-Alai (57 species) is given. A quantity of species endemic to the mountainous ecosystems of Uzbekistan is defined. Quantities of nine rare species inhabiting the mountain ecosystems, including snow leopard, are given. Number of snow leopard in Pamir-Alai and the Western Tien Shan is estimated to be 30-50 animals.
Anonymous. (2001). Snow leopard conservation: a NABU project in Kyrgyzstan. Oryx, 35(4), 354–355.
Abstract: Since 1999, NABU, the German Society for Nature Conservation, has been organizing the conservation of snow leopards Uncia uncia in Kyrgyzstan in an international project in cooperation with the Kyrgyz Ministry of the Environment, Emergencies and Civil Defence and the Kyrgyz Ministry of the Interior. The animal, with its typical grey-beige patterned fur and bushy tail, is one of the most endangered big cats in the world. It is categorized as Endangered on the 2000 IUCN Red List and is on CITES Appendix I.
Arias, M., Coals, P., Ardiantiono, Elves-Powell, J., Rizzolo, J. B., Ghoddousi, A., Boron, V., da Silva, M., Naude, V., Williams, V., Poudel, S., Loveridge, A., Payan, E., Suryawanshi, K., Dickman, A. (2024). Reflecting on the role of human-felid conflict and local use in big cat trade. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(e13030), 1–7.
Abstract: Illegal trade in big cat (Panthera spp.) body parts is a prominent topic in scientific and public discourses concerning wildlife conservation. While illegal trade is generally acknowledged as a threat to big cat species, we suggest that two enabling factors have, to date, been under-considered. To that end, we discuss the roles of human-felid conflict, and “local” use in illegal trade in big cat body parts. Drawing examples from across species and regions, we look at generalities, contextual subtleties, ambiguities, and definitional complexities. We caution against underestimating the extent of “local” use of big cats and highlight the potential of conflict killings to supply body parts.
Barnes, L. J. (1989). The Overt Illegal Fur Trade in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bo, W. (2002). Illegal Trade of Snow Leopards in China: An Overview.. Islt: Islt.
Bowling, B. (2004). The Legal Status of Snow Leopards in Afghanistan. United Nations Environment Programme.
Dexel, B. (2002). Snow Leopard Conservation In Kyrgyzstan: Enforcement, Education and Research Activities By the German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU).. Islt: Islt.
Dexel, B. (2003). The illegal trade in snow leopards – a global perspective (Vol. 8).
Din, J. U., Bari, F., Ali, H., Rehman, E. U., Adli, D. S. H., Abdullah, N. A., Norma-Rashid, Y., Kabir, M., Hameed, S., Nawaz, D. A., Nawaz, M. A. (2022). Drivers of snow leopard poaching and trade in Pakistan and implications for management. Nature Conservation, 46, 49–62.
Abstract: The snow leopard is one of the highly valued species from high-altitude mountain ecosystems of Central and Southeast Asia, including Pakistan. This keystone species is facing a myriad of conventional and emerging threats, including poaching and trade, that are poorly documented in Pakistan. To understand the dynamics and drivers of the poaching and trading of snow leopards in Pakistan, we investigated the issue in depth through a multifaceted survey in the snow leopard range of the country. We recorded 101 snow leopard poaching incidences from 11 districts during 2005–2017. The reported poaching incidences varied spatially (‒x = 9 ± 2.6 [95% Cl: 3–15]) and temporally (‒x = 7.8 ± 1.09) and accounted for 2–4% annual population loss (n = 200–420) in a period of 13 years. Poaching and trade together constituted 89% of the total incidence reported and animals were mostly shot (66%), poisoned (12%), snared (12%) and captured (4%), respectively. Only a fraction (3%) of the incidences were reported to the relevant law enforcement agencies. Trade routes included large cities and neighbouring countries, even the Middle East and Europe. The average base and end prices for each item were 245 ± 36 USD and 1,736 ± 520 USD, respectively, while maximum monetary fines set as per the law were 275 USD. Our results establish the need for developing multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms at regional, national and international levels and information sharing to curb this menace. Improving the existing laws and surveillance system, while taking the local communities onboard, will further help to this end.
Heinen, J. T., & Mehta, J. (2000). Emerging issues in legal and procedural aspects of buffer zone management with case studies from Nepal. Journal of Environment and Development, , 45–67.
Abstract: Buffer zones have been used as part of larger integrated conservation development programs to provide the benefits of ecological buffering of protected areas and socioeconomic buffering of neighboring communities. The authors explore the legal and managerial development of buffer zones internationally and with the passage of a conservation amendment in Nepal. A review of Nepal's buffer zone policies and several ongoing projects shows that there are several potential inherent problems. As written, regulations tend to expand the authority of the state by imposing restrictions in populated areas formerly not under control of park officials. Some participatory rights are provided to citizens, but management authority largely remains top down from the standpoint of local users. The authors question whether the managerial and research capacities exist to monitor buffer zones for their effectiveness both for conservation and development purposes and make several recommendations to improve implementation.