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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Abramov V.K. Ecological basis of the conservation of large predators in USSR 1974 Vol.I. 7-8
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Alexander, J. S., Christe, P., Zimmermann, F. Return of the Eurasian lynx: using local stakeholder knowledge and experiences to inform lynx conservation in the French Alps 2024 Oryx 1-9
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Ferretti, F., Lovari, S. Predation may counteract climatic change as a driving force for movements of mountain ungulates 2016 Behavioural-Processes 101-104
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Filonov K.F. Large terrestrial mammals in the reserves of Russia: their status and prospects of conservation 1996 343-348
Hanson, J. H., Schutgens, M., Baral, N., Leader-Williams, N. Assessing the potential of snow leopard tourism-related products and services in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal 2022 Tourism Planning & Development 1-20
Khanal, G., Mishra, C., Suryawanshi, K. R. Relative influence of wild prey and livestock abundance on carnivore-caused livestock predation 2020 Ecology and Evolution 1-11
Maheshwari, A., Midha, N.,Chehrukupalli, A. Participatory Rural Appraisal and Compensation Intervention: Challenges and Protocols While Managing Large Carnivore–Human Conflict 2014 Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal 19 62-71
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Sharma, R. K., Bhatnagar, Y. V., Mishra, C. Does livestock benefit or harm snow leopards? 201 Biological Conservatio 8-13
Sokov A.I. Environmental prerequisites for protection and sustainable use of predatory mammals in Tajikistan 1986 Vol. 3. 27-29
Suryawanshi, K.R., Bhatnagar, Y. V. B., Redpath, S., Mishra, C. People, predators and perceptions: patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and wolves 2013 Journal of Applied Ecology 50 550-560
The Snow Leopard Conservancy Local People's Attitudes toward Wildlife Conservation in the Hemis National Park, with Special Reference to the Conservation of Large Predators 2003 7 1-29
The Snow Leopard Conservancy Visitor Satisfaction and Opportunity Survey, Manang, Nepal: Market Opportunities for Linking Community-Based Ecotourism with the Conservation of Snow Leopards in the Annpurna Conservation Area. Report prepared for WWF-Nepal Programme 2002 SLC Field Document Series No 3 1-18
Xiao, L., Hua, F., Knops, J. M. H., Zhao, X., Mishra, C., Lovari, S., Alexander, J. S., Weckworth, B., Lu, Z. Spatial separation of prey from livestock facilitates coexistence of a specialized large carnivore with human land use. 2022 Animal Conservation 1 - 10
Xu, F.; Ming, M.; Yin, S.-jing; Chundawat R.S.; Marden; Nui, Y. Preliminary Study on the Habitat Selection of Uncia uncia 2006 23 471-473