Abzalov A.A. (1974). Game management development.
Abstract: An issue of wildlife conservation in game preserves, forestries, and sanctuaries is discussed. In some regions of Uzbekistan there are various protected wildlife areas preserving unique and game species: marchor in the Kugitan hunting farm, Bukhara deer the Bukhara region, bear and snow leopard, argali, ibex, wild-boars, snow-cock, partridge, eagle, etc. in the Miraki hunting farm, pheasants in the Karadara forestry. To restore and upgrade the game management level in the country it is required to properly create game preserves, enlarge reproduction activity, strictly follow rules and terms of hunting and cultivate careful and solicitous attitude to wildlife and its resources in all hunters.
Aromov B. (1982). Materials on background animals of the Kyzylsu nature reserve.
Abstract: Given are data concerning mammals in the Kyzylsu mountain juniperous nature reserve (north-west extremities of the Hissar ridge) in Uzbekistan 1979 through 1981. It describes habitats and provides data on rare and endangered species populations such as Tien-Shan brown bear, Turkistan lynx, snow leopard, Central Asian otter, golden eagle, bearded vulture, Himalayan vulture; and game species such as long-tailed marmot, porcupine, badger, Siberian ibex, Himalayan snow-cock, chukar, etc.
Artykbaev P.K. (1981). Fauna.
Abstract: Uzbekistan's fauna includes 97 mammal species (insectivorous six species, Cheiroptera 20, hare type species 2, rodents 37, ungulates 8); 379 bird species, of which 184 are passerine; 58 reptile species; 69 fish species. Species inhabiting sand deserts, clay deserts, and mountains are listed. The following mammal species inhabit the alpine zone: bear, snow leopard, ermine, weasel, wolf, Siberian mountain ibex, wild sheep, Menzbier's marmot and long-tailed marmot, voles, red pica. The following game species are listed in the Red Book: bear, leopard, lynx, snow leopard, cheetah, caracal, otter, marbled polecat, goitered gazelle, Bukhara deer, marchor, and wild sheep (there are two wild sheep sub-species in the country Bukhara and Kizilkum wild sheep).
Chichikin Yu.N. (1968). Ways to enrich game fauna of Kyrgyzstan.
Abstract: In Kyrgyzstan, there are 106 mammal and 111 bird species. 40 mammal and 70 bird species are game ones. Resources of some of them were undermined due to over-hunting. Moral, goitered gazelle, pheasant have disappeared; argali, roe deer, and wild boar have become not numerous. In order to protect game fauna and regulate hunting of wild animals, hunting was prohibited at lake Issyk-Kul (1948); hunting for moral, goitered gazelle, swan, bar-headed goose, pheasant, snow leopard, bear, and argali was prohibited too (1952, 1956 and 1958).
Ishunin G.I. (1963). Game mammals and birds of northern slopes of the Turkestan ridge.
Abstract: There are 27 mammal species in the mountains of Turkestan ridge, 17 of which are good for trade or sport hunting. However, many of them have become non-numerous because of overhunting or destruction of their natural complexes (forest cutting, erosion, etc.). In Turkestan ridge of Uzbekistan, snow leopard is protected only in the Zaamin nature reserve.
Ishunin G.I. (1974). Game and rare animals of Uzbekistan and their protection (Vol. 1).
Abstract: Totally in Uzbekistan inhabited about 40 game species, but many of them became rare (Mellivora capensis indica, Lutra lutra seistanica, Hyaena hyaena, Felis pardus ciscaucasicus, Felis uncia, Felis ¤…a…c…l michaelis, F.manul ferrugineus, Cervus elaphus bactrianus, ¥…da… falconeri heptneri, Ovis orientalis bochariensis, I. about severtsovi, About ammon k…a†1ini), from fauna of region have disappeared Cuon alpinus hesperius, D…nthera tigris virgata, Acion¢o jubatus, Cervus elaphus sibiricus, Equus h†mionus, E. dazewalskii, Camelus bactrianus. For protection of valuable species of animals in Uzbekistan 6 nature reserves and 6 zakazniks were established.
Ishunin G.I. (1979). A problem of original fauna conservation in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: Fauna of Uzbekistan is represented by species being common for south deserts (Indian honey badger, striped hyena, cheetah, caracal), tugai forest (riverine forest) (Bukhara deer, jackal, chaus, tiger), Palaearctic steppes (corsac, steppe polecat, marbled polecat, steppe cat, saiga), deserts of Africa and Middle East (sand cat, tridactylous African jerboa) and steppes of Central Asia (dhole, snow leopard, ibex). There are many foxes, large susliks, and muskrats there. Before hunting was prohibited a very few animals belonging to rare species such as bear, otter, leopard, snow leopard, lynx, roe deer, Bukhara deer, markhor, Asian moufflon, argali, Menzbier's marmot, and sometimes honey badger, caracal, manul, and cheetah, were shot.
Ishunin G.I. (1987). Genus Snow leopard Uncia gray, 1854.
Abstract: It provides data concerning biology, distribution and use game and commercial mammal species in Uzbekistan, and recommends on ways of hunting and initial fur-skin processing. It also describes the matter of conservation and rehabilitation of rare species' populations. From 1930-s to 1960-s over 20 snow leopard skins were reported to be traded officially.
Kogan M.I. (1931). The Kazakh SSR. The Kyrgyz SSR. The Uzbek and Tajik SSR. The Turkmen SSR.
Abstract: It describes geographical, soil, climatic and hydrological features of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Types of economic activities including fur-trade are described, too. Game preserves are classified, and list of game fauna species inhabiting these republics is given. Snow leopard lives in rocky mountains and is hunted very rarely.
Kolosov A.M. (1975). Central Asia.
Abstract: It describes a mammal species composition in the mountain ecosystems of Central Asia Kopetdag, Hissaro-Alai and Pamir, Tien Shan, and Tarbagatai ridge. Data on distribution and population number is presented.