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Izold, J. (2008). Snow Leopard Enterprise: a conservation project that saves an endangered species and supports needy families. Anim.Keepers' Forum, 9(5), 359–364.
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Jackson, P. (1988). The Status of Felids in the Wild. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 249–253). India: International Snow Leopard Trust and the Wildlife Institute of India.
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Johnson, D. (1994). The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation goes international. Endangered Species Update, A, 11(10), A10.
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Klubnikin, K., Annett, C., Cherkasova, M., Shishin, M., & Fotieva, I. (2000). The sacred and the scientific: Traditional ecological knowledge in Siberian River conservation. Ecological-Applications., 10(5), 1296–1306.
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Knight, D. (2000). Pipeline could ruin Siberian Plateau.
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Lutz, H., Hofmann-Lehmann, R., Fehr, D., Leutenegger, C., Hartmann, M., Ossent, P., et al. (1996). Liberation of the wilderness of wild felids bred under human custody: Danger of release of viral infections. Schweizer Archiv fuer Tierheilkunde, 138(12), 579–585.
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Wharton, D. (1997). Endangered Species Update. Endangered Species Update, 14(11), 13.
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