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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
An E.S. The Chatkal Mountain Forest State Nature Reserve. The Kyzylsu Mountain Juniperous State Nature Reserve. The Miraki State Nature Reserve 1980 19-21
Andrienkov V.I. The Besh Aral nature reserve 1990 335
Berezovikov N.N. The Markakol nature reserve 1990 115-128
Bhatnagar, Y.V.; Mathur, V.B.; McCarthy, T. A Regional Perspective for Snow Leopard Conservation In the Indian Trans-Himalaya 2002
Chichikin Yu.N., Y.A.I. Issyk Kul nature reserve 1969 475-480
Chumakova A.V. The Kyzylsu, Miraki, and Markakol nature reserves 1980 153-155
Esipov V.M. Chatkal nature reserve 1969 486-494
Ferretti, F., Lovari, S. Predation may counteract climatic change as a driving force for movements of mountain ungulates 2016 Behavioural-Processes 101-104
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Hani, U., Haq, S. M., Shabbir, R., Waheed, M., Jabeen, A., Hussain, M., Najar, Z. H., Alhimaidi, A. R., Amran, R. A., Bussmann, R. W. Geospatial assessment of climate and human pressure on Snow Leopard habitat in the Trans-Himalayan region of Pakistan 2024 Global Ecology and Conservation 53 1-15
Jafri, R.H.; Shah, F. The role of education and research in the conservation of snow leopard and its habitat in Northern Pakistan 1994 273-277
Kamelin R.V. The Hissar Nature reserve 1990 272-282
Kichloo, M. A., Sharma, K., Sharma, N. Climate casualties or human disturbance? Shrinking distribution of the three large carnivores in the Greater Himalaya 2023 Springer – Climatic Change 176 1-17
Koju, N. P., Buzzard, P., Shrestha, A., Sharma, S., He, K., Li, J., Kyes, R. C., Chen, C., Beisch, W. V. Habitat overlap and interspecific competition between snow leopards and leopards in the Central Himalayas of Nepal 2024 Global Ecology and Conservation 52 1-13
Kovshar A.F. The Aksu Jabagly nature reserve 1990 80-102
Kovshar A.F. Soils. Plants and animals. Vertical zones 1972 21-41
Li, J., McCarthy, T. M., Wang, H., Weckworth, B. V., Shaller, G. B., Mishra, C., Lu, Z., Beissinger, S. R Climate refugia of snow leopards in High Asia 2016 Biological Conservation 188-196
Lkhagvajav, P., Alexander, J. S., Byambasuren, C., Johansson, O., Sharma, K., Mishra, C., Samelius, G. Snow leopards and water: high waterhole visitation rate by a breeding female in summer 2024 SL Reports 3 41-45
Nikolaevskiy A.G. The Kyrgyz state nature park “Ala-Archa”. People's park of the Uzbek SSR 1985 89-92
Saeed, U., Arshad, M., Hayat, S., Morelli, T. L., Nawaz, M. A. Analysis of provisioning ecosystem services and perceptions of climate change for indigenous communities in the Western Himalayan Gurez Valley, Pakistan 2022 Ecosytem Services 56 1-12
Singh, R., Kerven, C. Pastoralism in South Asia: Contemporary stresses and adaptations of Himalayan pastoralists 2023 Springer Open – Pastoralism 13 1-10
Singh, R., Krausman, P. R., Pandey, P., Maheshwari, A., Rawal, R. S., Sharma, S., Shekhar, S. Predicting Habitat Suitability of Snow Leopards in the Western Himalayan Mountains, India 2020 Biology bulletin 47 655-664
Sokolov V.E. The Chatkal nature reserve 1990 301-302
Sokolov V.E. The Sary Chelek nature reserve 1990 351-362
Yazan Yu.P. The Almaty state nature reserve 1980 162-164