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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Alexander, J. S., Gopalswamy, A. M., Shi, K., Riordan, P. Face Value: Towards Robust Estimates of Snow Leopard Densities 2015 Plos One
Bangjie, T.; Bingxing, Q. The Status and Problems of Snow Leopards in Captivity in China 1994 149-156
Durbach, I., Borchers, D., Sutherland, C., Sharma, K. Fast, flexible alternatives to regular grid designs for spatial capture–recapture. 2020 Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1-13
Harris, R.B. A note on snow leopards and local people in Nangqian County, Southern Qinghai Province 1994 79-84
Henschel, P.; Ray, J. Leopards in African Rainforests: Survey and Monitoring Techniques 2003
Hussain, I. Conserving Biodiversity through Institutional Diversity: Concept Paper 1999
Jack, R. DNA Testing and GPS positioning of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) genetic material in the Khunjerab National Park Northern Areas, Pakistan 2008 1-15
Jackson, R.; Ahlborn, G.; Shah, K.B. Capture and Immobilization of wild snow leopards 1990 Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards 6 93-102
Jackson, R.; Roe, J.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D. Estimating Snow Leopard Population Abundance Using Photography and Capture-Recapture Techniques 2006 Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 772-781
Jackson, R.M. Home Range, Movements and Habitat use of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in Nepal 1996 233 pp
Jalanka, H.H. Evaluation and comparison of 2 ketamine-based immobilization techniques in snow leopards (Panthera uncia) 1989 Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 20 163-169
Jiang, Z. Snow leopards in the Dulan International Hunting Ground, Qinghai, China 2005 1-8
Johansson, O., Kachel, S., Weckworth, B. Guidelines for Telemetry Studies on Snow Leopards 2022 Animals 12 1-12
Kachel, S. M., Karimov, K., Wirsing, A. J. Predator niche overlap and partitioning and potential interactions in the mountains of Central Asia 2022 Journal of Mammalogy XX(X) 1-11
Li, X., Wei, C., Chen, X., Jia, D., Li, P., Liang, S., Jikmed, A., Gao, Y., Zhao, X., Chu, M., Sharma, K., Alexander, J. A., Lu, Z., Xiao, L. First large‑scale assessment of snow leopard population in China using existing data from multiple organizations 2025 Biodiversity and Conservation 1-17
McCarthy, K.; Fuller, T.; Ming, M.; McCarthy, T.; Waits, L.; Jumabaev, K. Assessing Estimators of Snow Leopard Abundance 2008 Journal of Widlife Management 72 1826-1833
Ming, M.; Chundawat R.S.; Jumabay, K.; Wu, Y.; Aizeizi, Q.; Zhu, M.H. Camera trapping of snow leopards for the photo capture rate and population size in the Muzat Valley of Tianshan Mountains 2006 Acta Theriologica Sinica 52 788-793
Ming, M.; Yun, G.; Bo, W. Chinese snow leopard team goes into action 2008 Man & the Biosphere 54 18-25
Oberosler, V., Tenan, S., Groff, C., Krofel, M., Augugliaro, C., Munkhtsog, B., Rovero, F. First spatially‐explicit density estimate for a snow leopard population in the Altai Mountains 2021 Biodiversity and Conservation 15
Sharma, R. K., Sharma, K., Borchers, D., Bhatnagar, Y. V., Suryawanshi, K. S., Mishra, C. Spatial variation in population-density, movement and detectability of snow leopards in 2 a multiple use landscape in Spiti Valley, Trans-Himalaya 2020 bioRxiv
Spearing, A. A Note on the Prospects for Snow Leopard Census Using Photographic Capture 2002
Zhang, C., Ma, T., Ma, D. Status of the snow leopard Panthera uncia in the Qilian Mountains, Gansu Province, China 2023 Oryx 1-6