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Artykbaev P.K. (1981). Fauna.
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Jiang, Z. (2005). Snow leopards in the Dulan International Hunting Ground, Qinghai, China.
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Poyarkov, A. D., Samoylova, G. S., & Subbotin, A. E. (2002). Evaluation of Potential Habitats of Snow Leopard (Uncia Uncia, Schreb.) In Altay-Khangay-Sayan Region and in Territory of Russian Federation: GIS Approach.. Islt: Islt.
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The Snow Leopard Conservancy. (2002). A Survey of Kathmandu-based Trekking Agencies: Market Opportunities for Linking Community-Based Ecotourism with the Conservation of Snow Leopard in the Annapurna Conservation Area. Report prepared for WWF-Nepal Programme (Vol. SLC Field Series Document No. 4). Los Gatos, California.
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Zhang, L., Lian, X., Yang, X. (2020). Population density of snow leopards (Panthera Uncia) in the Yage Valley Region of the Sanjiangyuan National Park: Conservation Implications and future directions. Artic, Antartic and Alpine Research, 52(1), 541–550.
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