Aripjanov M.P. (1990). Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan.
Abstract: Rare mammal species such as free-toiled bat, Menzbier's marmot (endemic to the Western Tien Shan), Tien-Shan brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkestan lynx, snow leopard, and wild sheep inhabit the South-West Tien-Shan (Uzbekistan). Brief data on animal encounters and main threats are given.
Bogdanov O.P. (1992). Snow leopard or irbis Uncia Uncia.
Abstract: Snow leopard and its habitat within the USSR and Uzbek SSR are described. Its habitat in the Chatkal and Hissar ridges are described too. Given are data concerning alimentary biology, reproduction, and attitude to man. Female snow leopards become mature at the age of two three years, male at the age of four years. Reproduction occurs once every two years. Presumably, there are 10 animals in the country. Snow leopard is protected in four nature reserves in Uzbekistan and a number of nature reserves in neighbour countries.
Chubykina, H. L., Shilo, R.A. (1981). A study of diurnal activity rhythms in snow leopards and lynx (Panthera uncia and Felix lynx) at Novosibirsk Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook, 21, 193–196.
Chundawat, R. S. (1990). Habitat Selection by a Snow Leopard in Hemis National Park, India. In L.Blomqvist (Ed.), (pp. 85–92). Helsinki, Findland: Leif Blomqvist and Helesinki Zoo.
Fox, J. L., Sinha, S.P., Chundawat, R.S. (1992). Activity patterns and habitat use of ibex in the Himalaya mountains of India. Journal of Mammology, 73(3), 527–534.
Jackson, R. (1992). SSC Plan for Snow Leopard.
Jackson, R. M. (1996). Home Range, Movements and Habitat use of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) in Nepal. Ph.D. thesis, University of London, University of London.
Abstract: Home ranges for five radio-tagged snow leopards (Uncia uncia) inhabiting prime habitat in Nepal Himalaya varied in size from 11-37 km2. These solitary felids were crepuscular in activity, and although highly mobile, nearly 90% of all consecutive day movements involved a straight line distance of 2km or less. No seasonal difference in daily movement or home range boundry was detected. While home ranges overlapped substancially, use of common core spaces was temporally seperated, with tagged animals being located 1.9 km or more apart during the smae day. Spatial analysis indicated that 47-55% of use occured within only 6-15% of total home area. The snow leopards shared a common core use area, which was located at a major stream confuence in an area where topography, habitat and prey abundance appeared to be more favorable. A young female used her core area least, a female with two cubs to the greatest extent. the core area was marked significantly more with scrapes, Faeces and other sighn than non-core sites, suggesting that social marking plays an important role in spacing individuals. Snow leopards showed a strong preference for bedding in steep, rocky or broken terrain, on or close to a natural vegetation or landform edge. linear landform features, such as a cliff or major ridgeline, were preferred for travelling and day time resting. This behavior would tend to place a snow leopard close to its preferred prey, blue sheep (Psuedois nayaur), which uses the same habitat at night. Marking was concetrated along commonly travelled routes, particularly river bluffs, cliff ledges and well defined ridgelines bordering stream confluences--features that were most abundant within the core area. Such marking may facilitate mutual avoidance, help maintain the species' solitary social structure, and also enable a relatively high density of snow leopard, especially within high-quality habitat.
Jackson, R. M., & Ahlborn, G. (1988). Observations on the Ecology of Snow Leopard in West Nepal. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 65–87). India: Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Abstract: This summary of a four year field study by Jackson and Ahlborn begging in 1982 and concluding in 1985, discusses behaviour, trapping and tracking techniques, home range, activity patterns, prey and habitat and survey methods.
Jafri, R. H., & Shah, F. (1994). The role of education and research in the conservation of snow leopard and its habitat in Northern Pakistan. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 273–277). Usa: Islt.
Jain, N., Wangchuk, R., & Jackson, R. (2003). An Assessment of CBT and Homestay Sites in Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh.
Abstract: The survey described in this report builds upon prior CBT activities undertaken by The Mountain Institute (TMI) in partnership with the Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) in Ladakh, supported by a grant from UNESCO (with co-financing from SLC). Under the evolving concept of “Himalayan Homestays”, initially developed and tested in Ladakh, it is proposed that activities be expanded to selected states in India in a strategic and effective way. Himalayan Homestays are part of a larger integrated program to link snow leopard conservation with local livelihoods in Asia.