Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Ale, S.B., Boesi, R. |
Snow Leopard Sightings on the Top of the World |
2005 |
Cat News |
19-20 |
Ale, S.B.; Yonzon, P.; Thapa, K. |
Recovery of snow leopard Uncia uncia in Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) National Park, Nepal |
2007 |
Oryx |
41 |
89-92 |
Barnett, K.C.; Lewis, J.C.M. |
Multiple ocular colobomas in the snow leopard (Uncia uncia) |
2002 |
Veterinary Ophthalmology |
5 |
197-199 |
Blomqvist, L. |
International Pedigree Book for Snow Leopards, Uncia uncia |
2008 |
International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards |
1-175 |
Blomqvist, L.; Dexel, B. |
In Focus: Declining numbers of wild snow leopards |
2006 |
EAZA Zoo News |
26-27 |
Chadwick, D.H. |
Out of the Shadows: The elusive Central Asian snow leopard steps into a |
2008 |
National geographic |
213 |
106-129 |
Chapron, G. |
Re-wilding: other projects help carnivores stay wild |
2005 |
Nature |
437 |
318 |
Christiansen, P. |
Canine morphology in the larger Felidae: implications for feeding ecology |
2007 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
91 |
573-592 |
Espinosa-Aviles, D.; Taylor, M.L.; Del Rocio Reyes-Montes, M.; Pe'rez-Torrez, A. |
Molecular findings of disseminated histoplasmosis in two captive snow leopards (Uncia uncia) |
2008 |
Journal-of-Zoo-and-Wildlife-Medicine |
39 |
450-454 |
Froede, K. and Jackson, R. |
Snow Leopard Manual Field Study Techniques for the Kingdom Nepal |
2001 |
1-69 |
Hemmer, H. |
Mammalian Species: Uncia uncia |
1972 |
Mammalian Species |
20 |
1-5 |
Hongfa, X. and Kirkpatrick, C. |
The State of Wildlife Trade in China. Information on the trade in wild animals and plants in China 2006. |
2006 |
3-20 |
Hussain, S. |
The status of the snow leopard in Pakistan and its conflict with local farmers |
2003 |
Oryx |
37 |
26-33 |
Hussain, S. |
Protecting the snow leopard and enhancing farmers' livelihoods: A pilot insurance scheme in Baltistan |
2000 |
Mountain-Research-and-Development. |
20 |
226-231 |
Izold, J. |
Snow Leopard Enterprise: a conservation project that saves an endangered species and supports needy families |
2008 |
Anim.Keepers' Forum |
9 |
359-364 |
Jackson, R., Hunter, D.O. |
Snow leopard Survey and conservation handbook (First edition) |
1995 |
1-120 |
Jackson, R.; Roe, J.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D. |
Estimating Snow Leopard Population Abundance Using Photography and Capture-Recapture Techniques |
2006 |
Wildlife Society Bulletin |
34 |
772-781 |
Janovsky, M.; Grone, A.; Ciardo, D.; Vollm, J.; Burnens, A.; Fatzer, R.; Bacciarini, L.N. |
Phaeohyphomycosis in a Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) due to Cladophialophora bantiana |
2006 |
Journal of Comparative Pathology |
134 |
245-248 |
Jiang, Z. |
Snow leopards in the Dulan International Hunting Ground, Qinghai, China |
2005 |
1-8 |
Johnsingh, A.J.T. |
A roadmap for conservation in Uttaranchal |
2006 |
1-13 |
Joslin, J.O.; Garner, M.; Collins, D.; Kamaka, E.; Sinabaldi, K.; Meleo, K.; Montali, R.; Sundberg, J.; Jenson, A.B.; Ghim, S.; Davidow, B.; Hargis, A.; West, K.; Clark, T.; Haines, D. |
Viral papilloma and squamous cell carcinomas in snow leopards (Uncia uncia) |
2000 |
2000 Proceedings AAZV & IAAAM Joint Conference |
155-158 |
Khatiwada, J.R. & Chalise, M.K. |
Status of snow leopard and conflict perception in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Eastern Nepal |
2006 |
Nepalese Journal of Zoology |
1 |
1-8 |
Khatiwada, J.R.; Chalise, M.K.; Kyes, R. |
Survey of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) and Blue Sheep (Pseudois nayaur) populations in the Kangchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA), Nepal. Final report |
2007 |
1-13 |
Lovari, S., Boesi, R., Minder, I., Mucci, N., Randi, E., Dematteis, A., and Ale, S. B. |
Restoring a keystone predator may endanger a prey species in a human-altered ecosystem: the return of the snow leopard to Sagarmatha National Park |
2009 |
Animal Conservation |
12 |
559-570 |
Manati, A.R. |
Fur trade of large cats and the question of the subspecies status of leopards in Afghanistan (Der Handel mit Fellen von Grosskatzen und die Abklärung der Unterartenfrage beim |
2008 |
125 |