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Anonymous. (1999). Protection Funded for Himalayan Snow Leopards, Bears.
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Aripjanov M.P. (1990). Rare mammals of South-West Tien Shan.
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Braden, K. (1994). The Snow Leopard in Independent Kazakhstan (Vol. xii). Seattle: Islt.
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Cunha, S. F. (1997). Hunting of Rare and Endangered Fauna in the Mountains of Post-Soviet Central Asia. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 110–120). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
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Fox, J. L. (1994). Snow leopard conservation in the wild – a comprehensive perspective on a low density and highly fragmented population. In J.Fox, & J.Du (Eds.), (pp. 3–15). Usa: Islt.
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Grachev, U. A., & Fedosenko, A. K. (1991). Distribution and Numbers of Snow Leopard in Kazakhstan (Vol. ix). Seattle: Islt.
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Koshkarev, E. P. (1984). Characteristics of snow leopard (Uncia uncia) movements in the Tien Shan. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, 4, 15–21.
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Koshkarev, E. P. (1988). An Unusual Hunt. Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards, 5, 9–12.
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Koshkarev, E. P. (1992). Range Structure, Numbers and Population Status of the Snow Leopard in the Tien Shan (Vol. x). Seattle: International Snow Leopard Trust.
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Kuznetsnov, G. U., & Matyushkin, E. N. (1980). The snow leopard hunts. Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards, 11, 44–48.
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