Martin, C. L., Stiles, J., & Willis, M. (1997). Feline colobomatous syndrome. Veterinary-and-Comparative-Ophthalmology, 7(1), 39–43.
Abstract: A syndrome of multiple congenital ocular anomalies in a litter of domestic kittens is described which appears identical to the multiple colobomatous syndrome described in captive Snow Leopards. The lesions varied between kittens in the litter, but ranged from microphthalmos with blindness to mild alterations in the lateral lid margins that resulted in trichiasis. The syndrome of eyelid agenesis in the domestic cat may encompass a broad range of congenital ocular lesions and multiple siblings, but the cause and mechanism of lesion formation is unknown.
Schaffer, E., Wiesner, H., & Von Hegel, G. (1988). Multiple ocular coloboma (MOC) with persistent pupillary membrane in the snow leopard (Panthera uncia). Tierarztl Prax, 16(1), 87–91.
Abstract: In a litter of three snow leopards, bilateral colobomata of the upper temporal eyelids, bilateral persistent pupillary membranes and a unilateral coloboma of the optic nerve entrance are described as “Multiple Ocular Colobomata” (MOC). The causal pathogenesis of each of the colobomata is discussed comparatively. The colobomata of the eyelids, essential feature of the MOC syndrome in snow leopards, are most probably not of hereditary, but rather of intrauterine infectious viral origin.
Wahlberg, C., Tarkkanen, A., & Blomqvist, L. (1982). Further observations on the multiple ocular coloboma (MOC) in the snow leopard, Panthers uncia. In L. Blomqvist (Ed.), International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards (Vol. 3, pp. 139–144). Helsinki: Helsinki Zoo.
Abstract: The first observation of the occurrence of multiple ocular coloboma (MOC) in a snow leopard was reported in the International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards Volume I in 1978 (1). The lesions in this syndrome consist of coloboma of the upper eye lid and uveal coloboma of the globe. Even colobomatous retinal cysts and retinal dysplasia have been noted. The ethiology of in all ten cases of MOC in the snow leopards kept at the Helsinki Zoo were described and discussed in detail in Volume II of the International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards (2,3). Three cases of MOC in the snow leopards kept at Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, Ne., have been described by Phillips (4), one case is known of in Amsterdam (van Bree, personal communication), and two cases in Zoo Zurich (Isenbugel and Weilenmann, pers. comm.) The ethiology of the defect is still not known although various theories ranging from genetic to exogenous factors have been presented.