Kataevsky V.N. (2002). Mammals of Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: The 30 species of mammals are presented in Sary Chelek nature reserve, Kyrgyzstan. Comparison of status of mammal's diversity in Soviet period and present time is made. Number decrease for some mammals is noted. Number of snow leopard in Sary Chelek is 2 individuals, Turkestan lynx 3, wolf 10, bear 20, badger 20, fox 25, jackal 25, wild boar 100 individuals. Snow leopard included in national Red data Book and Global Red List.
Kotlyar V.V. (1973). The Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: The author describes flora and fauna of the Sary Chelek nature reserve. There are 40 mammal species in the nature reserve. Encounters with snow leopard are rather rare. Normally, it preys on ibex, mainly destroying weakened animals.
Sokolov V.E. (1990). The Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: It provides general information about the Sary Chelek nature reserve (Kyrgyzstan), its physico-geographical features, and description of flora and fauna. Fauna of mammals includes over 40 species. A lot of work has been done in the nature reserve in order to protect rare species, including predators such as snow leopard, lynx, and bear. Snow leopard keeps to highlands, sometime entering into the forest zone. It was observed near lake Sary-Chelek. The following ungulate species inhabit the nature reserve: wild boar, ibex, and roe-deer. Population of wild boar consists of 700 800 animals, ibex 350 400, roe-deer 300 animals.
Tokmergenov T. (2002). Mammals of Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: There are more than 40 species of mammals in Sary Chelek nature reserve, Kyrgyzstan. Brief characteristics of these species and their distribution. Also current status of important species, tendencies in number dynamic are presented. Snow leopard inhabited in alpine zone of Muz-Tor, Kara Toko, Kulatai, Alatai mountains. Total number is 2-3 individuals according data of 1997-2000.
Yanushevich A.I., C. Y. N. (1969). Sary Chelek nature reserve.
Abstract: It provides data concerning location, climate, landscapes, altitude zoning, flora and fauna of the Sary Chelek nature reserve. Currently in nature reserve recorded 41 mammals, 157 birds, 5 reptiles, 2 amphibians and 5 fishes. Snow leopard, wild ibex, argali and dhole inhabited in alpine zone. Number of ibex is 400 individuals.
Zheengaziev A. (2002). Geographical locaton, wild life and relief of Sary-Chelek state biosphere nature reserve and Besh-Aral state nature reserve.
Abstract: The territorial description, floristic and faunistic characteristics of Sary-Chelek and Besh-Aral reserves and relief are given. There were registered about 40 species of mammals and 160 species of the birds in Sary-Chelek reserve. Ibex, roe deer, argali, wild boar, brown bear, snow leopard, lynx, porcupine, badger, marmot, hare etc. live here; muskrat, wood marten and American mink are acclimatized. Menzbier's marmot, fox, badger, wolf, brown bear, snow leopard, wild ibex and roe deer inhabited in Besh Aral reserve.