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Alexander, J. S., Shi, K., Tallents, L. A., Riordan, P. (2015). On the high trail: examining determinants of site use by the Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia in Qilianshan, China. Oryx, (Fauna & Flora International), 1–8.
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Alexander, J. S., Zhang, C., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2016). A spotlight on snow leopard conservation in China. Integrative Zoology, (11).
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Allen, M. L., Rovero, F., Oberosler, V., Augugliaro, C., Krofel, M. (2023). Effects of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) on olfactory communication of Pallas’s cats (Otocolobus manul) in the Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Behaviour, , 1–9.
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Aruge, S., Batool, H., Khan, F. M., Abbas, F. I., Janjua, S. (2019). A pilot study�genetic diversity and population structure of snow leopards of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, using molecular techniques. PeerJ, (7672), 1–14.
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Atzeni, L., Cushman, S. A., Bai, D., Wang, J., Chen, P., Shi, K., Riordan, P. (2020). Meta-replication, sampling bias, and multi-scale model selection: A case study on snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in western China. Ecology and Evolution, , 1–27.
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Bischof, R., Hameed, S., Ali, H., Kabir, M., Younas, M., Shah, K. A., Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A. (2013). Using time-to-event analysis to complement hierarchical methods when assessing determinants of photographic detectability during camera trapping. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, .
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Blomqvist, L. (1978). First report on the snow leopard studbook (Panthera uncia) and 1976 world register. Int.Zoo Yearbook, 18, 227–231.
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Blomqvist, L. (1979). The 1978 register for the captive population of snow leopards, Panthera uncia. International Zoo News, 26(7-8), 17–23.
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Blomqvist, L. (1980). The 1979 world register for the captive population of snow leopards, Panthera uncia. In L. Blomqvist (Ed.), International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards (pp. 62–75). Helsinki: Helsinki Zoo.
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Blomqvist, L. (1981). The 1980 annual report of the captive snow leopard (Panthera uncia) population and a review at the breeding results during the 1970's. Helsinki Zoo Annual Report. Helsinki: Helsinki Zoo.
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Blomqvist, L. (1982). The 1981 annual report of the captive snow leopards (Panthera uncia) population. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, 3.
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Blomqvist, L. (1989). Status of the captive snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in 1987.
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Blomqvist, L. (1993). The snow leopard, Panthera uncia, in captivity during the last 30 years (1961-1991). Helsinki: Helsinki Zoo.
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Blomqvist, L., & Nystrom, V. (1980). On identifying snow leopards, Panthera uncia, by their facial markings. International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards, , 159–167.
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Blomqvist, L., & Sten, I. (1982). Reproductive biology of the snow leopard, Panthera uncia. In L. Blomqvist (Ed.), International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards (pp. 71–79). Helsinki: Helsinki Zoo.
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Bocci, A., Lovari, S., Khan, M. Z., Mori, E. (2017). Sympatric snow leopards and Tibetan wolves: coexistence of large carnivores with human-driven potential competition. European Journal of Wildlife Research, , 1–9.
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Changxi, X., Bai, D., Lambert, J. P., Li, Y., Cering, L., Gong, Z., Riordan, P., Shi, K. (2022). How Snow Leopards Share the Same Landscape with Tibetan Agro-pastoral Communities in the Chinese Himalayas. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 13(3), 483–500.
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Chetri, M., Odden, M., Sharma, K., Flagstad, O., Wegge, P. (2019). Estimating snow leopard density using fecal DNA in a large landscape in north-central Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation, (17), 1–8.
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Chetri, M., Odden, M., Devineau, O., McCarthy, T., Wegge, P. (2020). Multiple factors influence local perceptions of snow leopards and Himalayan wolves in the central Himalayas, Nepal. PeerJ, , 1–18.
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Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Balkenhol, N., Waltert, M., Khorozyan, I. (2022). Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and effects of intervention strategies: lessons from the Nepalese Himalaya. Wildlife Research, .
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Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Ghale, T. R., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Waltert, M., Khorozyan, I. (2022). Blue sheep strongly affect snow leopard relative abundance but not livestock depredation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation, 37(e02153), 1–15.
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Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Ghale, T. R., Signer, J., Filla, T., Aryal, R. R., Heurich, M., Waltert, M., Balkenhol, N., Khorozyan, I. (2020). In the shadows of snow leopards and the Himalayas: density and habitat selection of blue sheep in Manang, Nepal. Ecology and Evolution, 2021(11), 108–122.
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Fix, A. S., Riordan, D. P., Hill, H. T., Gill, M. A., & Evans, M. B. (1989). Feline panleukopena virus and subsequent canine-distemper virus infection in two snow leopards (Panthera uncia). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 20(3), 273–281.
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Fox, J. (1989). A Review of the Status and Ecology of the Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia). International Snow Leopard Trust.
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Franchini, M., Atzeni, L., Lovari, S., Nasanbat, B., Ravchig, S., Herrador, F. C., Bombieri, G., Augugliaro, C. (2022). Spatio-temporal behaviour of predators and prey in an arid environment of Central Asia. Current Zoology, (zoac093).
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