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Christiansen, P. (2007). Canine morphology in the larger Felidae: implications for feeding ecology. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 91, 573–592.
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Han, X. M., D. G., Zhang, E., Jones, M., and Jin, T.. (2001). Far eastern leopard and Siberian tiger conservation measures. (pp. 102–103). Harbin: Widlife Conservation Society.
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Hongfa, X. and K., C. (2006). The State of Wildlife Trade in China. Information on the trade in wild animals and plants in China 2006..
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Lovari, S., Minder, I., Ferretti, F., Mucci, N., Randi, E., Pellizzi, B. (2013). Common and snow leopards share prey, but not habitats: competition avoidance by large predators. Journal of Zoology, 291, 127–135.
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Lovari, S., Ventimiglia, M., Minder, I. (2013). Food habits of two leopard species, competition, climate change and upper treeline: a way to the decrease of an endangered species? Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 25(4), 305–318.
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Manati, A. R. (2008). Fur trade of large cats and the question of the subspecies status of leopards in Afghanistan (Der Handel mit Fellen von Grosskatzen und die Abklärung der Unterartenfrage beim. Germany: University of Köln.
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Schmidt, A. M., Hess, D. L., Schmidt, M. J., Smith, R. C., & Lewis, C. R. (1988). Serum concentrations of oestradiol and progesterone, and sexual behaviour during the normal oestrous cycle in the leopard (Panthera pardus) (Vol. 82).
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