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Fox, J. L., & Freeman, H. (1984). An Internationally cooperative fiels study of the snow leopard in Northern India. In L.Blomqvist (Ed.), (Vol. 4, pp. 39–42). Helsinki, Finland: Leif Blomqvist and Helsinki Zoo.
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Fox, J. L., Sinya, S. P., Chundawat, R. S., & Das, P. K. (1986). A Survey of Snow Leopard and Associated Species in the Himalaya of Northwestern India, Project Completion Report.
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Gaston, A. J., Garson, P. J., & Hunter, M. L. (1983). The status and conservation of forest wildlife in Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalayas. Biological Conservation, 27(4), 291–314.
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International Snow Leopard Trust. (1986). Indo-US Snow Leopard Project (Vol. No. 10). Seattle: Islt.
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Jain, N., Wangchuk, R., & Jackson, R. (2003). An Assessment of CBT and Homestay Sites in Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh.
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Maheshwari, A., Sharma, D. (2010). Snow leopard conservation in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.
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Rawat, G. S., Pandey, S., & Panwar, H. S. (1994). Eco-development and management needs for snow leopard conservation in Himalayan Protected Areas. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 297–303). Usa: Islt.
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Saberwal, V. K. (1996). Pastoral Politics:gaddi grazing, degradation and biodiversity conservation in Himachal Pradesh, India. Conservation Biology, 10, 741–749.
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Sharma, C., Thuktan, T., Tobge, R., Angrup, D., Chhering, D., Sherab, T., Chhering, T., Bajaj, D., Khanyari, M., Suryawanshi, K. (2024). First Photographic Evidence of Pallas’s Cat (Otocolobus manul) from Himachal Pradesh, India. SL Reports, 3, 79–87.
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Suryawanshi, K., K. (2011). Sunshine and the Shadow. Hornbill, (April-June), 34–37.
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