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Adil, A. (1997). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Afghanistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 35–38). Lahore, Pakistan: International Snow Leopard Trust.
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Alexander, D. (1980). Report from a troubled land: The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan crushed oe of the most promising conservation programs in the Third World.
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Bowling, B. (2004). The Legal Status of Snow Leopards in Afghanistan. United Nations Environment Programme.
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Buzurukov, A., & Muratov, R. (1994). Snow Leopard Conservation Tajikistan. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 29–32). Usa: Inst.
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Fox, J. L. (1994). Snow leopard conservation in the wild – a comprehensive perspective on a low density and highly fragmented population. In J.Fox, & J.Du (Eds.), (pp. 3–15). Usa: Islt.
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Green, M. J. B. (1994). Protecting the mountains of Central Asia and their snow leopard populations. In J.L.Fox, & Du Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 223–239). International Snow Leopard Trust and Chicago Zoological Society.
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Green, M. J. B., & Zhimbiev, B. (1997). Transboundary Protected Areas and Snow Leopard Conservation. In R.Jackson and A.Ahmad (Ed.), (pp. 194–202). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
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Habibi, K. (1977). The Mammals of Afghanistan: Their Distribution and Status.
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Habibi, K. (2004). Mammals of Afghanistan.
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Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Range-Wide Model of Potential Snow Leopard Habitat. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 51–56). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
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