Abdunazarov B.B. (1995). A role of the Hissar nature reserve in conservation of rare and endangered animals.
Abstract: Two amphibian species, 11 reptiles, 205 bird species (52 percent of which are nesting species) and 32 mammal species were reported to inhabit the Hissar nature reserve. The following rare species were recorded to inhabit the nature reserve: Tien Shan brown bear, Central Asian otter, Turkistan lynx, snow leopard, black stork, golden eagle, bearded vulture, black vulture, Himalayan griffon, saker falcon, and Central Asian cobra.
Ahmad, I., Hunter, D. O., & Jackson, R. (1997). A Snow Leopard and Prey Species Survey in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan. In R.Jackson, & A.Ahmad (Eds.), (pp. 92–95). Lahore, Pakistan: Islt.
Cecil, R. (1988). Educational Programming For Snow Leopard Conservation. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 247–248). India: International Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
Grachev Yu.A. (1996). Snow leopard (Vol. Vol.1.Animals. Part 1.Vertebrates.).
Abstract: Status: rare (Category III). Distribution: Tien Shan mountains, Tarbagatai, Saur and Altai mountains. Total number in Kazakhstan does not exceed 200 individuals. The main threats are poaching and reduction number of preys. In Almaty Zoo captive breeding was successful in 1976 and 1985. Snow leopard is protected in Aksu Jabagly, Almaty and Markakol nature reserves. To ensure the survival of the species it is necessary to establish a reserve in Dzhungar mountains and to improve protection in existing nature reserves.
International Snow Leopard Trust. (1986). Indo-US Snow Leopard Project (Vol. No. 10). Seattle: Islt.
Oruntaeva K.B. (1988). The Zailiyskiy natural national park.
Abstract: The Zailiyskiy state natural national park is suggested to establish in the center of northern micro slope of Zailiyskiy Alatau. There are 42 mammal, 138 bird, tow amphibian, and eight reptile and fish species, and 145 daylight butterfly species in the Zailiyskiy Alatay. Of them, seven mammal species such as argali, Tien Shan bear, snow leopard, Turkistan lynx, stone marten, Central Asian otter, and Indian porcupine are included in the Red Data Books of Kazakhstan and USSR.
Prasad, S. N., Chundawat, R. S., Hunter, D. O., Panwar, H. S., & Rawat, G. S. (1991). Remote sensing snow leopard habitat in the trans-Himalaya of India using spatial models and satellite imagery preliminary results. In G. J. Buhyoff (Ed.), (pp. 519–523).
Abstract: The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is a flagship species for conservation in the high mountain regions of central Asia. Data on snow leopard predation, habitat conditions and range of main prey species were gathered along with thematic maps of the study area for elevation, snow cover, sighting data, kill data, blue sheep use areas, and vegetation data. These data were entered into a GIS and used to help delineate surface features from a satellite image. Preliminary results show that general physiographic features of snow leopard habitat can be detected using satellite imagery and that GIS cartographic modeling techniques can improve this delineation. -from Authors
Rawat, G. S., Pandey, S., & Panwar, H. S. (1994). Eco-development and management needs for snow leopard conservation in Himalayan Protected Areas. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 297–303). Usa: Islt.
Satunin K.A. (1905). Review of the Mammals in Trans Caspian region (Vol. Vol. 25, issue. 3.).
Abstract: Snow leopard Pardus uncia Schreber recorded in Trans Caspian region (in Sumbar rive) very rare and occasionally.
Zhiryakov V.A. (2002). Ecology and behavior of the Snow leopard in Kazakhstan (Vol. N 1-4.).
Abstract: The data on spreading, numbers and population density of snow leopard in Kazakhstan are given in this article. The total number of the snow leopard in Kazakhstan is evaluated in 100-110 individuals. The everywhere occurred numbers' reduction under the influence of the anthropogenic factors is observed. The snow leopard' inhabitation area varies from 20 to 120 square kilometers depending on its regions. Sex and composition of the population and its aggregative behavior are given. The dynamics of numbers and mortality are estimated.