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Braden, K. (1992). The Outlook for Snow Leopard Protection in Four New Countries of Central Asia (Vol. x). Seattle: Islt.
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Chundawat, R. S., Rodgers W.A., & Panwar, H. S. (1988). Status Report on Snow Leopard in India. In H.Freeman (Ed.), (pp. 113–120). Srinagar, India: International Snow Leopard Trust and Wildlife Institute of India.
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Flint V.E. (1970). The cats – Felidae.
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International Snow Leopard Trust. (1992). Assessing Presence, relative abundance and habitat of snow leopards and their prey: a handbook of field techniques.
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Jackson, R. M., Ahlborn, G., Gurung, M., & Ale, S. (1996). Reducing livestock depredation losses in the Nepalese Himalaya. Proc.Vertebr.Pest Conf, 17, 241–247.
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Janyspaev A.D. (2002). The area and numbers of Snow Leopard in the central part of Zailiysky Alatau (Vol. N 1-4.).
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Lilin, Z. (1994). Captive rearing of a wild snow leopard cub in the Xining Zoo, China. In J.L.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 177–182). Usa: Islt.
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Moiseev V. (1993). Around Tien Shan and Hissaro-Alai.
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Yongheng, Z. (1990). Birds and mammals of forest in Xinjiang. (pp. 401–446). Urumqi and Beijing: Xinjiang People's Publishing House, Urumqi; China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing.
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Zamoshnikov V.D. (2002). Current status of biodiversity of Western Tien Shan.
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