Chakraborty, R. E., & Chakraborty, S. (1996). Identification of dorsal guard hairs of Indian species of the genus Panthera Oken (Carnivora: Felidae). Mammalia, 60(3), 480.
Abstract: Dorsal guard hairs of four living Indian species of the genus Panthera, viz. P. tigris, P. leo, P. pardus and P. uncia have been studied. It is found that the characters are somewhat overlapping, but identification of the species may be possible from the combination of characters.
Esipov A.V. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: There are two isolated snow leopard populations in Uzbekistan, both of which are located along the fringe of the species' distribution. These groups are the Pamir-Alai and the Tien-Shan, of which are united to snow leopard range in neighboring Tadjikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Apart from animals inhabiting the Hissar Nature Reserve, the Pamir-Alai population consists of animals inhabiting the upper portion of the Tupalang River basin and the mountains around Baisuntau. This population is currently estimated at about 30 individuals, from which as many as 10 individuals are reported to be killed or captured annually. However, we suspect the loss rate is more like five to eight individuals, with the entire Pamir-Alai group in Uzbekistan numbering 22 – 25 animals. The Tien-Shan snow leopard sub-population group of Uzbekistan occupies the high-mountain portions of practically all of the large ridges in the area, including Chatkal, Pskem, Ugam and Talass Alatau. The number of snow leopards harvested from this sub-population appears to be five or seven individuals, with the total number placed at 27-32 individuals. The major factors restricting snow leopard numbers in Uzbekistan appears to be poaching of both snow leopard and its large prey species like ibex, as well as disturbance associated with the intensive development of the alpine lands for pasturing livestock. In order to preserve the snow leopard in Uzbekistan it will be necessary to control and eliminate poaching. Additional habitat could be provided by expanding the Chatkal Nature Reserve by adding lands in the Shavassai River basin as well as Akbulak River basin.
Esipov A.V. (2004). Ugam Chatkal State Nature Park (Vol. N1).
Abstract: There are endangered species as bear, snow leopard and Menzbier's marmot recorded in Western Tien Shan mountains. Wild boar, Siberian ibex, roe deer, wolf, badger, porcupine and red fox are rather numerous species on this area.
Hunter, D. O., Jackson, R., Freeman, H., & Hillard, D. (1994). Project snow leopard: a model for conserving central Asia biodiversity. In J.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 247–252). Usa: International Snow Leopard Trust.
International Snow Leopard Trust. (1993). First SLIMS Workshop Held in China (Vol. xi). Seattle: Islt.
Mitropolskiy O.V. (2004). Biodiversity of mammals in Uzbekistan: results of the studies; conservation, use and monitoring projects (Vol. N 8.).
Abstract: The article reviews conservation projects regarding valuable species of the West Tien Shan such as snow leopard, Tien Shan brown bear, Tien Shan and Karatau argali, Menzbier's marmot. The questioning revealed three cases of poaching snow leopard in the West Tien Shan in Kazakhstan, and 11 in Uzbekistan. A necessity to severely suppress any acts of poaching or skin trade is emphasized. A number of measures is suggested to preserve the species.
Rieger, I. (1978). Management techniques of captive ounces, (Uncia uncia). Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards, 1, 50–70.
Abstract: Presents a comparison of housing and techniques for care and breeding at 16 zoos. Includes comments on factors which may influence breeding
Yuan, G. Y. (1998). Natural environmental protection and nature reserves in Xinjiang. Xinjiang, Urumqi: Science, Technology and Hygiene Publishing House of Xinjiang, Urumqi.
Zakhidov T.Z. (1960). Irbis (Felis uncia) Ilvrs.
Abstract: The author provides information about snow leopard taxonomy, distribution, habitat and appearance. Biology of this animal is understudied. Snow leopard is able to make long jumps. It feeds upon ibex, wild sheep, marmots, partridge, and sometimes livestock, but never man. Gestation period is three months, at the end of May female gives birth to two or three cubs. Being very occasional, purchase of skin is of no practical value.