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Chakraborty, R. E., & Chakraborty, S. (1996). Identification of dorsal guard hairs of Indian species of the genus Panthera Oken (Carnivora: Felidae). Mammalia, 60(3), 480.
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Esipov A.V. (1995). Status and Conservation of Snow Leopard in Uzbekistan.
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Esipov A.V. (2004). Ugam Chatkal State Nature Park (Vol. N1).
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Hunter, D. O., Jackson, R., Freeman, H., & Hillard, D. (1994). Project snow leopard: a model for conserving central Asia biodiversity. In J.Fox, & D.Jizeng (Eds.), (pp. 247–252). Usa: International Snow Leopard Trust.
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International Snow Leopard Trust. (1993). First SLIMS Workshop Held in China (Vol. xi). Seattle: Islt.
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Mitropolskiy O.V. (2004). Biodiversity of mammals in Uzbekistan: results of the studies; conservation, use and monitoring projects (Vol. N 8.).
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Rieger, I. (1978). Management techniques of captive ounces, (Uncia uncia). Int.Ped.Book of Snow Leopards, 1, 50–70.
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Yuan, G. Y. (1998). Natural environmental protection and nature reserves in Xinjiang. Xinjiang, Urumqi: Science, Technology and Hygiene Publishing House of Xinjiang, Urumqi.
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Zakhidov T.Z. (1960). Irbis (Felis uncia) Ilvrs.
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