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Author Title (up) Year Publication Volume Pages
Williams, N. 2008 International Conference on Range-wide Conservation Planning for Snow Leopards: Saving the Species Across its Range 2008 Cat News 48 33-34
Ming, M. A diary of infrared photography 2008 Man & the Biosphere 54 26-35
McCarthy, T.; Breitenmoser, U.; Breitenmoser-Wursten, C. A king of snow peaks, another endangered flagship species 2008 Man & the Biosphere 54 1-1
Singh, N.J. Animal – Habitat relationships in high altitude rangelands 2008 PhD Thesis 150
McCarthy, K.; Fuller, T.; Ming, M.; McCarthy, T.; Waits, L.; Jumabaev, K. Assessing Estimators of Snow Leopard Abundance 2008 Journal of Widlife Management 72 1826-1833
ud Din, J. Assessing the Status of Snow Leopard in Torkhow Valley, District Chitral, Pakistan: Final Technical Report 2008 1-16
WWF Mongolia Brief report of the trainning on wool organized in centre of Uvs aimag 2008
Ming, M.; Yun, G.; Bo, W. Chinese snow leopard team goes into action 2008 Man & the Biosphere 54 18-25
Dawa, T., Farrington, J. Conflict between nomadic herders and brown bears in the Byang thang Region of Tibet 2008 Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 4 1-42
Jack, R. DNA Testing and GPS positioning of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) genetic material in the Khunjerab National Park Northern Areas, Pakistan 2008 1-15
Sulser, C.E.; Steck, B.L.; Baur, B. Effects of construction noise on behaviour of and exhibit use by Snow leopards Uncia uncia at Basel zoo 2008 International Zoo Yearbook 42 199-205
Tytar, V.; Hammer, M. Expedition report: Mountain ghosts: snow leopards and other animals in the mountains of the Altai Republic, Central Asia 2008
Burgener, N.; Gusset, M.; Schmid, H. Frustrated appetitive foraging behavior, stereotypic pacing, and fecal glucocorticoid levels in snow leopards (Uncia uncia) in the Zurich Zoo 2008 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 11 74-83
Manati, A.R. Fur trade of large cats and the question of the subspecies status of leopards in Afghanistan (Der Handel mit Fellen von Grosskatzen und die Abklärung der Unterartenfrage beim 2008 125
Shrestha, R.; Wegge, P. Habitat relationships between wild and domestic herbivores in Nepalese trans – Himalaya 2008 Journal of Arid Environments 72 914-925
Sangay, T.; Vernes, K. Human-wildlife conflict in the Kingdom of Bhutan: Patterns of livestock predation by large mammalian carnivores 2008 Biological Conservation 141 1272-1282
Blomqvist, L. International Pedigree Book for Snow Leopards, Uncia uncia 2008 International Pedigree Book of Snow Leopards 1-175
Ming, M.; Yun, G.; Bo, W. Man & the Biosphere: The special series for the conservation of Snow Leopards in China 2008 Man & the Biosphere 54 1-80
Khan, J. Markets for Snow Leopards: Enviropreneur Snapshots 2008 PERC Reports 26 1-1
WWF Mongolia Mobile Training Team Report on Strengthening of Cooperation/Partnership among Law Enforcement Agencies for Reduction and Elimination of Environmental Violations and Crimes 2008 1-40
Espinosa-Aviles, D.; Taylor, M.L.; Del Rocio Reyes-Montes, M.; Pe'rez-Torrez, A. Molecular findings of disseminated histoplasmosis in two captive snow leopards (Uncia uncia) 2008 Journal-of-Zoo-and-Wildlife-Medicine 39 450-454
Sarkar, P., Takpa, J., Ahmed, R., Tiwari, S. K., Pendharkar, A., ul-Haq, S., Miandad, J., Upadhyay, A., Kaul, R. Mountain Migrants. Survey of Tibetan Antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii) and Wild Yak (Bos grunniens) in Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India. 2008 9-52
Chalise, M.K. Nepalka Samrakshit Banyajantu (Nepal's Protected Wildlife in Nepali language) 2008 106-108
Chadwick, D.H. Out of the Shadows: The elusive Central Asian snow leopard steps into a 2008 National geographic 213 106-129
Janecka; J.E.; Jackson, R.; Yuquang, Z.; Diqiang, L.; Munkhtsog, B.; Buckley-Beason, V.; Murphy, W.J. Population monitoring of snow leopards using noninvasive collection of scat samples: a pilot study 2008 Animal Conservation 11 401-411